Federal On Site Scanning by ARDEM
Scanning at your location
Federal On Site Scanning by ARDEM can add value to any project where original files are not allowed to leave their original location. Give us a call about Federal On Site Scanning, we would really prefer to talk specifics about all government projects directly with the end user.
Everything You Need
Similar to all other On site Scanning projects, we will provide all equipment and knowledge required to successfully complete your next Federal on site scanning project.
ARDEM Federal On site Scanning Services can be the answer. An ARDEM team of qualified and professional scan operators equipped with high quality, high volume production scanners will come to your location and scan your documents at your site.
High Security
All of our employees have undergone stringent background checks and are ready for your next federal on site scanning project. (Please acquire within for my detailed security information)
All we do is deal with confidential/protected data. We are certain that our normal processes will be enough to put your mind at ease.
Want us to add something to our routine? Lets talk!
Why Federal On Site Scanning by ARDEM?
All files require some type of document preparation before they can be scanned successfully.
Federal documents often times have many sections. Our normal processes will keep the original integrity of any documents we process. Utilizing a bar coding method allows our scanners to automatically separate files once they have been transformed into a digital format.
If you would like, the qualified ARDEM processing team will reassemble all documents back to their original clips and fasteners. ARDEM can reassemble all files back to exactly the way they were before any processing was done.
We guarantee that when we’re done processing your files- you wont even be able to tell we were there!
All of your documents be the same as they did before we scanned anything.
Don’t tell anyone but, In almost all cases- your files will look even better than they originally did! Scanning with ARDEM Federal On Site Scanning Service is the easiest way to complete your next imaging job bar none.
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