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When it comes to saving costs with outsourcing, it’s like unleashing the secret weapon of business efficiency. Discover the game-changing potential of outsourcing to optimize expenses and revolutionize your financial success. 

  • Labor Cost Reduction: Outsourcing is an affordable and convenient way to access a global talent pool with highly specialized skills and expertise, without compromising quality or overextending your budget. 
  • Operational Expense Reduction: Running a business involves many overhead costs, from office space to equipment. By partnering with an outsourcing provider, you can pass on the burden of those operational costs, freeing up your resources for more strategic investments. 
  • Economies of Scale: Imagine having a superhero sidekick who comes equipped with the latest tools and technologies. That’s what outsourcing brings to the table. Maximize value with expert outsourcing for efficient and cost-effective services as and when you need. 
  • Flexibility and Scalability: In the fast-paced business world, adaptability is the game’s name. With outsourcing, you gain the superpower of flexibility and scalability. Outsourcing allows you to scale your operations up or down based on demand, providing significant cost savings. 
  • Risk Mitigation: Every business faces risks, but outsourcing helps you build a fortress of protection. When you entrust certain functions to outsourcing partners, you gain access to their expertise and contingency plans. They’re the superheroes equipped to handle unexpected situations, shielding you from potential financial disasters. 
  • Access to Global Talent: The world is your talent pool, and outsourcing is the key to unlocking its full potential. By collaborating with outsourcing partners from around the globe, you tap into diverse skills and perspectives. Think of it as having a league of extraordinary professionals at your fingertips, ready to tackle any challenge while saving you money. 

When searching for a reputable outsourcing services provider in the US, it’s essential to conduct thorough research and explore various avenues. Here are some expert tips to help you find the right outsourcing partner: 

  1. Extensive Online Research: 
  • Utilize search engines and industry-specific directories to identify potential outsourcing providers. 
  • Look for companies with a proven track record, positive client reviews, and case studies showcasing successful projects. 
  1. Professional Networks and Referrals: 
  • Tap into your professional networks and seek recommendations from colleagues, industry experts, or business associates. 
  • Attend industry conferences, trade shows, or networking events to connect with professionals who have firsthand experience with outsourcing providers. 
  1. Online Marketplaces and Platforms: 
  • Explore reputable online marketplaces and service providers like Ardem. These platforms offer a wide range of outsourcing professionals with verified reviews and ratings. 
  • Consider specialized platforms that cater to specific industries or functions, such as ARDEM for data entry. 
  1. Industry Associations and Forums: 
  • Engage with industry associations and participate in relevant forums or discussion boards. 
  • Seek recommendations from other professionals within your industry who have outsourced similar tasks or projects. 
  1. Request for Proposals (RFPs) and Interviews: 
  • Shortlist potential outsourcing providers and request detailed proposals that outline their capabilities, experience, and approach. 
  • Conduct interviews or video conferences to assess their communication skills, cultural fit, and level of expertise. 

Prioritize experience, expertise, reputation, and your specific business needs when selecting an outsourcing provider. Evaluate multiple options and make an informed decision that aligns with your goals.

Outsourcing vs. hiring in-house: the dilemma faced by entrepreneurs. While there’s no definitive answer, outsourcing can transform businesses aiming for growth, efficiency, and a competitive edge. Here’s why: 

1. Cost Efficiency and Flexibility: Outsourcing empowers you to tap into a global talent pool, potentially reducing labor costs significantly, especially in regions with lower wages. It offers the flexibility to scale your operations quickly in response to market fluctuations without the added costs of hiring and training in-house staff. 

2. Access to Specialized Expertise: Outsourcing gives you access to specialized skills and expertise that may be very hard to find or costly to develop internally. Working with external teams provides access to professionals who excel in specific domains like HR,  IT development, digital marketing, or customer support. 

3. Focus on Core Competencies: Outsourcing non-core functions frees up internal resources, enabling your team to focus totally on strategic activities that drive business growth. Delegating routine tasks to external experts allows you to redirect energy towards innovation, product development, and enhancing the customer experience. 

4. Risk Mitigation and Compliance: Outsourcing can help mitigate risks associated with regulatory compliance, as service providers are well-versed in industry standards and regulations. External teams often have robust security measures, safeguarding sensitive data and protecting against cyber threats. 

5. Scalability and Business Continuity: Outsourcing offers scalability, allowing you to expand or contract operations swiftly in response to market dynamics. Service providers typically have contingency plans to ensure business continuity, minimizing disruptions during unforeseen circumstances. 

6. Increased Innovation and Fresh Perspectives: Collaborating with external teams brings fresh perspectives and diverse ideas, fostering innovation within your organization. Outsourced partners, with their exposure to different industries and markets, can offer valuable insights and novel approaches to problem-solving. 

7. Reduced Administrative Burden: Outsourcing eliminates the administrative burden associated with hiring, training, payroll management, and employee benefits. Service providers take care of these operational aspects, freeing up time for strategic decision-making.

Accounts payable is among the most critical tasks in a company that require high accuracy and efficiency. Automation enables businesses to handle their Accounts Payable system digitally using technology rather than manually and avoid errors. Accounts Payable Automation with experienced outsourcing companies can boost the function’s efficiency significantly.  

ARDEM for the best A/P Automation Solution 

One of the best accounts payable outsourcing providers is ARDEM. With the experience of decades in the business process outsourcing (BPO) industry, ARDEM can meet evolving Accounts Payable outsourcing needs of companies across industries. Trained Accounts Payable teams of the ARDEM can help companies to automate their entire Accounts Payable department or specific functions –  

  • Switch to e-invoicing
  • Go seamless with Accounts Payable approvals 
  • Match and verify invoices automatically 
  • High accuracy in data entry 
  • Automate PO or non-PO invoice coding and other processes 

Skilled talents at ARDEM can work on our cloud platforms and connect the client’s Accounts Payable system to meet their dynamic Accounts Payable needs. Their own proprietary software can provide 99.7% accurate invoice data.  

The ultimate results of Accounts Payable automation with ARDEM include: 

  • Clear Insight into the Payment Cycle
  • Time and Effort Saving 
  • Optimized Cash Flow 
  • Control Invoice Processing Costs 
  • Increased Productivity 
  • Easy Accounts Payable Accessible from Anywhere 
  • Accuracy for Timely and Correct Payments to Vendors 
  • Prevents Fraud 
  • Data Security 
  • Strengthen Relationships with suppliers and vendors 

Allow the best accounts payable outsourcing provider to handle your Accounts Payable function and witness how it becomes more efficient with automation.

Accounts payable and accounts receivable are two indicators of the cash flow of a business and are recorded on opposite sides of the company’s balance sheet. 

Accounts Payable (A/P) 

  • A/P is a liability account on the company’s balance sheet.  
  • It represents what a business owes to its vendors for goods or services received. But invoices are not yet paid.  
  • Invoices may be from vendors for inventory, utility bills, rent, or other expenses incurred but not yet settled. 

Accounts Receivable (A/R)  

  • A/R is an asset on the company’s balance sheet.  
  • It tells about money a company is about to receive from its clients for goods or services.  
  • These are outstanding payments for services rendered or any other payments that are yet to receive from other sources. 

Both A/P and A/R impact a company’s cash flow, liquidity, and profitability. Therefore, efficient management of A/P and A/R is crucial for the company’s financial management.  

Most businesses consider outsourcing the best strategy to enhance the efficiency of A/P and A/R management. An experienced business process outsourcing (BPO) company can meet the varied needs of businesses across industries, including healthcare, retail, manufacturing, and others. Businesses can reduce costs and boost efficiency using automation. Qualified analysts at BPO companies deliver high-quality accounts receivables and payable data entry services. 

Enterprises are shifting from manual business processes to automation in this competitive environment. 

  • In the business world, automation involves using technology and machines to perform repetitive tasks (like data entry, validations, approvals, etc.), streamline business processes (like accounts payable, accounts receivable, and others), and reduce manual efforts.
  • In automation, a bot is a software program with specific instructions enabling it to act automatically or with minimal human effort.  
  • Automation, assisted by RPA (Robotic Process Automation), results in increased efficiency, improved productivity, data security, reduced errors, better visibility, cut overall operational costs, and various other benefits.

Automation is becoming more prevalent in finance and enterprises prefer outsourcing services to automate their business processes. Often, accounts payable is the first area to be outsourced by businesses for automation advantages.  

Business Automation Outsourcing  

Experienced BPO (business process outsourcing) service providers first understand their client’s current process and break down the work steps to optimize each step to create the Bot. Then the process workstream is  

assigned to the Bot based on current needs.  

Like many businesses across industries transform your current workflow by utilizing Business Process Automation services with renowned BPO companies. Business Process Automation outsourcing with ARDEM can help to save your considerable time and effort.  


Accounts payable is a liability that expresses the amount a business owes to vendors and suppliers for goods and services received but not paid.  

  • When a company purchases goods or services on credit, it increases Accounts payable. When the AP debt is paid off, it decreases the pending account.  

Increased Accounts payable year-over-year means the company’s liability is increasing.  

However, if the company pays more than it accrued, the Accounts payable balance will be negative in the cash flow statement. The negative balance means the company has paid over the amount accrued. 

Therefore, a negative Accounts payable balance does not necessarily mean the payables balance has been reduced. Rather it indicates that the business paid off more than accrued.  

Such issues of overpayment indicate inefficient AP function in a company.  

Outsourcing to Improve AP Management  Accounts Payable Outsourcing Service Providers can help companies achieve efficiency in accounts payable. Depending on your accounting outsourcing needs, companies can outsource the entire payables department or specific processes, like e-invoicing, autonomous matching and verifying invoices, accounts payable data entry, and other processes. Account Payable automation with account payable outsourcing companies results in reduced errors, fraud prevention, and timely and accurate AP payments.

Accounts payable (AP) is a liability on a company’s balance sheet, representing how much the business owes to vendors or suppliers for goods or services purchased on credit.  

  • Companies need Accounts payable to keep track of debts to their vendors, suppliers, or creditors. 
  • With efficient Accounts payable management, companies ensure the processing of invoices on time and making payments accurately and timely to avoid late fees or penalties.
  • AP teams maintain sound relationships with their vendors by paying accurate and timely invoices.  
  • Companies can manage their cash flow by seeing what they owe. The accounts payable function provides crucial financial data for budgeting purposes.  
  • This department helps companies to identify their spending trends and make informed decisions for future purchases. 

Overall, Accounts payable is crucial for financial management. Most entrepreneurs think of delegating payables tasks to experienced outsourcing companies and benefit with: 

  • Leveraging the advanced technologies and expertise of the BPO company 
  • Reduced errors with RPA (Robotic Process Automation) 
  • Free to the resources from mundane tasks for better utilization 
  • Quick scaling up of Accounts payable teams with their growth 
  • Cost savings by implementing automated invoice processing significantly. 
  • Skilled Accounts payable teams can improve efficiency and enhance productivity 

Thus, approach an experienced accounts payable outsourcing service provider for efficient Accounts payable function.

The key roles and responsibilities of the accounts payable (AP) function are as follows: 

  • Processing invoices: Accounts payable teams verify the invoices received from suppliers and vendors. They check for any errors in the information given on the invoice for appropriate payments and avoid disputes. Outsourced accounts payable services help to process invoices efficiently in less time as they have skilled personnel and advanced technology to automate the process. 
  • Reconciling statements: The Accounts payable team is responsible for reconciling vendor statements with the company’s records. It ensures that the team has received and processed the invoices accurately.  
  • Remit payments: Payables issues required payments to vendors on time that strengthen the relationship with vendors.  
  • Resolving discrepancies: Accounts Payables analyzes and resolves discrepancies if found between invoices and POs. It provides all support or documents to other departments also. 
  • Reporting: The team reports to the company on vendor payments, and outstanding invoices regularly. 
  • Vendor Management: Accounts payable team is responsible for effective vendor management. They look at their payment terms and mode to be compliant and avoid legal issues. Whenever the company receives an invoice from a new vendor, the AP team needs to enter the details in the system and maintain the new vendor’s records accurately.  

Enterprises can automate their Accounts payable processes by utilizing third-party outsourcing services that have skilled personnel. Accounts payable outsourcing companies ensure that the financial obligations in a business are met correctly and on time.

An expense refers to a cost that has already been incurred for business operations. On the other hand, accounts payable (AP) refers to the owed money to suppliers/vendors for goods and services purchased on credit. Therefore, Accounts payable is not an expense.  

In a company’s balance sheet, accounts payable are recorded in the liabilities section as a current liability. However, when companies pay for invoices, it is recorded as an expense in their income statement. 

Let us say, ABC Enterprises purchases goods on credit worth Rs. 1 lakh from a vendor, the company’s Accounts Payable balance will increase by this amount as it is a purchase on credit and the amount is owed to the vendor. The enterprise has not yet incurred an expense. It will be considered an expense once the company pays off the amount and reduces the Accounts payable balance by Rs.1 lakh. 

Thus, accounts payable is a liability for a business. It is necessary to maintain AP function efficiently for favorable cash flow and effective budgeting with a clear insight into payables. An experienced business process outsourcing (BPO) partner can help companies to boost the efficiency and productivity of their AP function. They can offer high accuracy in invoice processing and data entry for better efficiency. 


The accounts payable process involves managing a company’s financial obligations to its creditors and vendors that includes the following steps: 

  1. Invoice Capture, Organising, and Reviewing: AP process starts with invoice capturing and separating invoices for proper organizing. The Accounts Payable team monitors the email inbox regularly to avoid invoice processing delays. The team needs to code the invoice based on their type (PO or non-PO). To avoid risks associated with data accuracy, companies automate their invoice processing. 
  1. Matching: PO-based invoices are reviewed and matched to the POs (purchase orders). The AP team verifies if the number of products or services mentioned, costs, discounts, etc., are correct in the invoice. 
  1. Invoice Approval and Recording: Next, invoices are sent for approval. The team tracks the approval process to ensure prompt approval. After invoice approval, invoices are recorded in the company’s accounting system with accurate data. BPO (business process outsourcing) companies help businesses to automate the Accounts payable processes for timely invoice approval.  
  1. Payment Authorization and Execution: Once the invoices are ready for payment after approval, the AP team needs the authorization to remit the payment. Following payment authorization, the invoice is paid and the vendor is informed. Now the invoice is closed in the system. 

When companies outsource accounts payable, BPO companies take a closer look at their internal processes to understand what can be done to improve the Accounts payable efficiency in the company. They weigh out vendor relationship management. Then, start working to streamline the end-to-end Accounts payable process. 

An accounts payable (AP) audit is an independent review of a company’s accounts payable records. The Accounts payable audit is aimed at checking if the payments are accurate, properly authorized, and made on time and if transactions are recorded properly. Companies consider an experienced business process outsourcing (BPO) service provider to maintain their AP processes

Four Stages of Accounts Payable Audit 

  1. Planning for an Accounts Payable Audit 

Start by scheduling the Accounts Payable audit. The meeting is scheduled to discuss standard operating procedures (SOPs). The company and the auditor establish the goals and parameters to create a precise Accounts Payable audit plan. 

  1. Record Examination – Fieldwork for AAccounts Payable Audit Procedure  

The fieldwork phase is when auditors dive deep into Accounts Payable records and documentation. Auditors spend several days or weeks to determine if the transaction records are correct using a cut-off test’ depending on company size. They look over the company’s financials – Balance sheet, general ledger, purchase orders, vendor or supplier invoices, and other documents.  

  1. Accounts Payable Audit Reporting 

After completing the fieldwork, auditors put the findings into a final audit report that compiles and analyzes the research. Auditors provide feedback. They highlight guidelines and any immediate issues and concerns. 

  1. Accounts Payable Audit Follow-up Review 

An Accounts Payable audit report is not the end of the process. Based on the report, there will be a follow-up to determine that the company has resolved the highlighted concerns and achieved satisfactory results. 

Accounts Payable audit not only confirms whether the company is following proper processes, but it also helps to know how it can run the business more efficiently. By partnering with a trusted accounts payable outsourcing partner, companies can transform AP processes and resolve concerns highlighted in the audit report to drive efficiency.

A company’s accounts payable (AP) department can save money in several ways as defined below: 

  1. Negotiating Payment Terms with Vendors: The Accounts Payable department can negotiate with vendors and suppliers for longer payment terms. It enables the company to save money in their accounts by delaying payment.  
  1. Early Payment Discounts: Accounts payable departments can receive discounts offered by vendors for early payments. It allows companies to save on the cost of goods or services. It requires adequate cash flow in the company. Accounts payable outsourcing can help companies in effective cash flow management.  
  1. Automation: Companies can automate their payment processes for accurate data with minimal human effort. Errors prolong invoice processing. Automation can reduce error-related costs. Reputed business process outsourcing companies, like ARDEM, can provide 99.7% accuracy using the latest technologies for invoice capture, data entry, validations, processing, etc. 
  1. Outsourcing Trained Teams: Companies can outsource their Accounts payable department with ARDEM to avoid the costs of recruiting and training the staff. Scale up an Accounts payable team of skilled personnel quickly and conveniently.  
  1. Reduced Processing Costs: Corporations, which shift to automation from manual Accounts payable can benefit from cost-effective invoice processing. Manual invoice processing can cost around $12-$13 per invoice. An automated Accounts payable system can reduce the cost per invoice significantly. 

Thus, companies can outsource accounts payable with experienced BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) service providers to leverage their latest technologies and business process automation

ARDEM connects and consults on your project goals. Along with project requirements we put together a highly skilled team to solve your data capture issues and assignments. The aim is to focus on in-house data entry technologies based on the defined tasks in the most efficient manner and deliver the most accurate data to you. We are also open to explore various new software and methods if the project demands so.

We take details of your current data capture process, if any. We understand your outsourcing goals in terms of outsourcing, the requirement improvements and current resources being used. It is important to nail down clear end goals in terms of business growth requirement, cost, streamlining of processes or all. If your projects demands so, we create the data entry process from scratch and work through the workflow test and pilot production and final data production stages.

Category: Data Capture

ARDEM operates at a 99.97% or higher accuracy of data for our clients. To achieve the highest accuracy, ARDEM Data Capture platform use double key data entry along with data quality checks, validation routines, and data verification checks to assure the highest accuracy of data possible. We work in three shift basis with maintenance of continuity so that workflow and quality is unaffected.

Category: Data Capture

You can outsource Business Processes (often referred to as Back-Office Processes) related to Data Processing and Data Management in Accounting, Marketing, Sales, Manufacturing and Human Resources. Any, information that is available in digital format and is actionable based on a rule structure can be outsourced.

The processing and management of any information that first needs to be digitized to make it actionable can be outsourced. Examples, of tasks that can be outsourced are- Accounts Payable Processing, Energy and Payment data processing from Utility Bills, collection and analyses of Market Survey data, processing and fulfillment of customer orders, processing of freight bills of lading, and on and on.

Within HR & Production we also capture data from specification sheets, inventory, disbursements, resumes and other databases that need to be created.

ARDEM helps you collect data in handwritten, machine typed, digital, paper, and various other formats. All data is collected, organized, reported on & captured as specified by you. With a mix of ARDEM Data Capture and ARDEM Data Entry platform, we ensure that all data is delivered with the highest data accuracy.

Information is being collected and processed in every business process and each functional area- Accounting, Marketing, Sales, Production, Human Resource, for business insights.

  • In Marketing customer data is being collected, market surveys are being conducted.
  • In Sales, orders are coming from customers and are being entered into the system.
  • Accounting requires incoming invoices to be entered into the system.
  • Production data from specification sheets and inventory, disbursements are being recorded.
  • Human Resource data is being collected from resumes and databases are being created.

Various input methods such as Surveys, Rebates, Claims, Application Forms, Mailing lists, Invoices, Sales Orders need data to be captured or transcribed from the incoming source format into the enterprise system. Data may also need to be collected and compiled with data mining and data indexing services. With a mix of ARDEM Data Capture and ARDEM Data Entry platform, we ensure that all data is delivered with the highest data accuracy. ARDEM is a data entry company that has consistently delivered highest quality data, every time.

Category: Data Capture

With ARDEM, you can be assured of highest levels of security and privacy.

We take protecting your data very seriously. We comply with ISO 27001 data security standards and address data security at the employee, physical and network levels. We also utilize VPNs and SSL for data transmissions, PGP and at rest data encryptions, to keep your data secure. We are also a HIPAA compliant facility for the protection of your data and offer ePHI, PII and Business Associate agreements further protection of your data at ARDEM.

Data Security is addressed at the physical location level, the people level and at the network level. We take our role as a temporary repository of your data seriously. Complying with ISO27001 data security standards we address data security at the employee, physical and the network levels. Utilizing VPNs and SSL for data transmissions, PGP and at rest data encryptions, we keep your data secure. HIPAA Privacy Policy for protection of your data is in place for ePHI and PII and Business Associate agreements further protect your data at ARDEM.

Category: Data Capture

Evaluate a company’s PEOPLE, PROCESSES AND TECHNOLOGY – these are the three pillars of any strong and successful outsourcing company.

Communication is key to a successful outsourcing partnership. This is why at ARDEM we keep you informed of the progress on your assignment, and of any issues which may occur in the data capture delivery process which could impact your business. The data capture service company which can bring the best people, the most robust processes and the latest technologies to assure the highest accuracy of data is a good choice for a data capture outsourcing company.

Not all data capture companies are created equal, you can select the right outsourcing company by following key parameters like:

  • Data Accuracy Guarantee
  • Their Data Entry Processes
  • Quality Control Processes
  • How they handle workload volume fluctuations
  • How they train their people.
Category: Data Capture

Data Capture is generally the first step in any business processes. Outsourcing your data capture services allows you to concentrate on your core activities to further enhance your business. An experienced data capture outsourcing partner can not only handle data capture tasks to reduces costs, improve quality and accuracy, but also improves your productivity by becoming a significant partner to further business expansions.

Category: Data Capture

Our headquarters, in New Jersey, host the in-house cloud-based network that enables us to provide our clients with advanced cloud computing solutions inclusive of cloud collaboration platforms like ARDEM Collaboration, as well as cloud-based BPaaS solutions for data processing, document conversion, survey processing, and more.

Our operations are spread across the United States, South America, India, and the Philippines, where our teams work in 3 round-the-clock shifts to keep your data moving. Our hybrid approach combined with our high-performance teams ensures that your data continues to be processed and delivered, come what may.

Category: Legal

We curate the most qualified team members with deep industry knowledge and extensive work experience to ensure that your data is of the highest level of quality.
Our QC experts monitor every stage of your process to ensure quality output. Your Project Owner further ensures that the final output is shared with you as per a predefined frequency or your updated instructions.

All our projects include a multi-step QC process that goes through an additional checking process before delivery to ensure close to 100% accurate data. Our digital collaboration platform, the ARDEM Collaboration Platform, provides you access to your personal account on our server from where you can upload raw files, view the status of your project in real-time, and even download the flat output files, all with a few simple clicks.

Category: Legal

ARDEM’s Legal Outsourcing division has several successful projects under its belt as we have successfully partnered with several Law Firms & Legal Organizations to provide immensely helpful and meaningful solutions for projects that range from reviewing class action applications to document processing for Licensing Applications.

You can learn more about our collaborations with different non-profit organizations here.

Category: Legal

ARDEM utilizes a combination of both automated and programmatic quality measures alongside effort-based data processing to build you a truly responsive and scalable solution.

Our solutions are customized to each client’s individual needs and combine an optimized combination of the two methodologies as a testament to our standards of quality and accuracy. Using our hybrid solutions, we deliver close to 100% accuracy for every project, every time.

As we work together, our team continues to improve your processes further, streamline your operations further for additional cost savings and efficiency.

Category: Legal

ARDEM currently processes between a few hundred to several thousand documents a day for its clients.

At ARDEM, we create timely, responsive, and scalable solutions for our clients. We start by building you a team headed by an experienced Project Manager and employ the perfect balance of automation technology and FTEs to manage the expected volume of incoming data and documents. As the scope of work expands and your processing requirements increase, we forecast volume fluctuations and allocate more resources, i.e., software bots and full-time equivalents to your process.

Category: Legal

At ARDEM, we believe in building mutually beneficial and long-lasting partnerships with our partners for joint success.

Our clients typically see an immediate 30-40%+ reduction in cost to the company. Often, clients see an even larger reduction in operating expenses over the tenure of our partnership.

Category: Legal
As an experienced industry player driving success outsourcing in our clients for more than 18 years, ARDEM offers data processing outsourcing solutions to established Non-profit organizations (NPOs) who are looking to increase operational efficiency and reduce their overhead.
We provide non-profit outsourcing solutions to a variety of clients both nationwide and globally. You can outsource all of your non-profit department functions to our NPO division, including individual functions related to fundraising, application processing, donor/gift processing, talent acquisition, finance & accounting/bookkeeping, and virtual training.
We employ a mix of smart people, smart processes, and the right technology like automation and cloud-based management platforms to bring about digital transformation in your non-profit organization processes.  Our goal is to help you streamline your operations and improve efficiency while you focus your resources on maximizing your outreach.
Advantages: High Accuracy, Increased Efficiency, Faster Cycle Times.
Category: NPO
ARDEM currently processes between a few hundred to several thousand documents a day for its clients. For example, we recently partnered with a non-profit organization that provides funds to individuals and initiatives within marginalized communities to help them deal with the social and economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. The task at hand was to process between 300 to 1200 applications across 3 different funds and review them for eligibility.
At ARDEM, we create timely, responsive, and scalable solutions for our clients. We start by building you a team headed by an experienced Project Manager and employ the perfect balance of automation technology and FTEs to manage the expected volume of incoming data and documents. As the scope of work expands and your processing requirements increase, we forecast volume fluctuations and allocate more resources, i.e., software bots and full-time equivalents to your process.
Category: NPO
Our headquarters, in New Jersey, host the in-house cloud-based network that enables us to provide our clients with advanced cloud computing solutions inclusive of cloud collaboration platforms like ARDEM Collaboration, as well as cloud-based BPaaS solutions for data processing, document conversion, survey processing, and more.
Our operations are spread across the United States, South America, India, and the Philippines, where our teams work in 3 round-the-clock shifts to keep your data moving. Our hybrid approach combined with our high-performance teams ensures that your data continues to be processed and delivered, come what may.
Category: NPO
Security and confidentiality are at the forefront of every ARDEM contract. As an ISO27001-certified data entry and outsourcing company, ARDEM ensures security at 3 levels, physical, network, and employee.
We ensure that the appropriate redundancies are in place at all 3 levels and standard security practices for us include VPNs, SSLs, encryption protocols during file transfer and at rest, biometric security protocols, as well as HIPAA, PCI, and GDPR compliance.
Additionally, all ARDEM employees must sign confidentiality agreements upon joining our team, and all of our services agreements have separate clauses to ensure confidentiality at both our and the client’s end.
Category: NPO

At ARDEM, we believe in building mutually beneficial and long-lasting partnerships with our partners for joint success.

Our clients typically see an immediate 30-40%+ reduction in cost to the company. Often, clients see an even larger reduction in operating expenses over the tenure of our partnership.

Category: NPO
ARDEM utilizes a combination of both automated and programmatic quality measures alongside effort-based data processing to build you a truly responsive and scalable solution.
Our solutions are customized to each client’s individual needs and combine an optimized combination of the two methodologies as a testament to our standards of quality and accuracy. Using our hybrid solutions, we deliver close to 100% accuracy for every project, every time.
As we work together, our team continues to improve your processes further, streamling your operations further for additional cost savings and efficiency.
What non-profits projects similar to ours have you previously completed?
ARDEM’s NPO division has several successful NPO projects under its belt as we have successfully partnered with several non-profit organizations to provide immensely helpful and meaningful solutions for projects that range from reviewing financial aid applications for an educational non-profit that helps students graduate debt-free to reviewing financial aid applications for an NPO that seeks to uplift marginalized communities in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
You can learn more about our collaborations with different non-profit organizations here.
Category: NPO
We curate the most qualified team members with deep industry knowledge and extensive work experience to ensure that your data is of the highest level of quality.  Our QC experts monitor every stage of your process to ensure quality output. Your Project Owner further ensures that the final output is shared with you as per a predefined frequency or your updated instructions.
All our projects include a multi-step QC process that goes through an additional checking process before delivery to ensure close to 100% accurate data. Our digital collaboration platform, the ARDEM Collaboration Platform, provides you access to your personal account on our server from where you can upload raw files, view the status of your project in real-time, and even download the flat output files, all with a few simple clicks.
Category: NPO
This answer to this varies from one project to another project. ARDEM employs a slew of QC checks, including double-key data entry and verification to deliver close to 100% accuracy.
Our proprietary quality control methodology for NPO data places quality first, making sure we deliver high-quality data within real-time cycles.
If you would like to learn more about our quality-control processes, you can get in touch with our sales team and sign an NDA to learn more.
Category: NPO

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) refers to the process of outsourcing the management and operation of secondary business processes to a third-party service provider on a contractual basis. 

This enables the company to reduce operational costs and focus on scaling their primary operations. A BPO company is a company that undertakes the performance of business processes in a defined scope of work, with specific service level agreements on an ongoing basis.

At ARDEM, we provide scalable outsourcing solutions for your business needs with the perfect combination of qualified experts, streamlined processes and automation technology.

Advantages: Customized Solutions; Qualified, Educated Analysts and Management; Scalable Workflow; Proprietary Technology.

Services: Financial, Healthcare, Logistics, Government, Retail, Commercial, Manufacturing.

At ARDEM, we build customizable and scalable outsourcing solutions for clients across a variety of industries such as Finance & Accounting, Retail, Manufacturing, Logistics; Healthcare snd Life Sciences along with Government Agencies.

We also provide accurate data entry and processing services alongside back office support services, survey management, mail fulfillment along with application and claims processing.

Our strategy involves employing the perfect combination of smart people, robust processes and technology, i.e., intelligent automation.

So now that you have learned about our full range of services and the high quality of our outsourcing services, are you ready to build a successful partnership with ARDEM for long-term success?

Schedule a Free Consultation Now!


ARDEM Incorporated provides comprehensive data entry and business process outsourcing services across all 50 states in the United States. We also cater to the global demand for our outsourcing services and have a long list of satisfied, high-profile clients including the U.S. Army, Veterans Administration, Department of Interior and National Institute of Health (NIH) along with big names like HubSpot, CNN, Edelman, and Ted Baker London among others.

Our client base comprises large multinational corporations (MNCs) along with SBEs and independent consultants. ARDEM is known for providing client-focused solutions along with an excellent track record of consistently exceeding our clients’ expectations. 

Our outsourcing services are highly valued due to our high quality of work, the accuracy of work delivered and a reputation for always delivering the processed data/output within or prior to the specified deadlines.

Advantages: Industry Experience, Qualified Experts, Problem-Solving Solutions, Scalable & Cost-Effective Solutions. 

Services: Finance & Accounting, Healthcare & Life Sciences, Government, Retail, Logistics, Manufacturing


 “You have lowered our cost, increased our productivity and given us a significantly faster turnaround.  Not to mention the data quality and consistency is much better than when it was handled in-house.”

-Blue Buffalo

As the above testimonial demonstrates, ARDEM. has an impeccable reputation when it comes to our services and their positive impact on a business’s efficiency and productivity. The general feedback from our clients gives us high ratings for our services in terms of reliability, on-time delivery, real-time processing, ease of doing business and satisfaction with customer support received, to name a few. All this translates into a high rate of customer satisfaction. 

We also rank quite high in terms of our team’s attitude, courtesy and professionalism and the swift responsiveness of the company. This motivates us to keep optimizing and improving our processes to deliver successful solutions and build long-term partnerships for collaborative success. 

Our long list of satisfied customers and high-profile clients include the U.S. Army, Veterans Administration, Department of Interior and National Institute of Health (NIH) along with big names like HubSpot and Ted Baker London to name a few. 


ARDEM is extremely proud to have been ranked as the top data outsourcing company in 2019.

Our team of data scientists, engineers and developers work together to build optimized data entry solutions. As a top data outsourcing company, we offer you a range of data processing services including data entry/extraction from paper forms, images, and even processing data entry directly into your company’s pre-existing database. 

When we talk about back office solutions, ARDEM creates a customized Back Office Outsourcing Team. The custom-built team comprises a dedicated Project Manager and handpicked FTEs with experience and industry knowledge to optimize your processes to boost efficiency and deliver success.

In addition, we offer our clients full IT support and an open line of communication to ensure we are always available to provide full back-office support.

Advantages: Eliminate Manual Errors, Faster Processing, Dedicated Team of Experts. 

Services: Data Entry Services, Document Processing, Application & Claims Processing.


As we proceed further into the age of digital transformation, any outsourcing company worth it’s salt will realize that business processes and outsourcing services themselves will undergo a drastic change. As a result, both outsourcing companies and businesses will need to keep evolving to stay up-to-date with the competition and incorporate the latest processes in-time for maximum gain. 

To achieve this, you need an outsourcing company that not only stays abreast of the latest processes and technologies but also offers you technical expertise and a strong team of analytical minds adept at evaluating and embracing the latest trends. 

This is exactly where the ARDEM advantage comes in.  We offer you expertise in data entry, extraction and processing, proprietary automation solutions, customized solutions, and cloud-based collaboration platforms along with real-time updates and visible results to promote trust and transparency, 

Advantages: Qualified & Experienced Team, Automation Solutions, Cloud-Based Solutions, Data Processing Solutions.

Services: Business Process Outsourcing, Automation, Finance & Accounts, Healthcare & Life Sciences, Logistics, Retail, Manufacturing, Government

ARDEM provides a variety of outsourcing solutions related to various processes in the retail industry that can help you improve your customer service. Our considerable experience working with multiple clients in the retail industry has taught us about the vital importance of customer experience, and how positive customer support and service can make or mar a company. 

With a growing customer base, it becomes a large task to utilize the data from loyalty programs, questionnaires, customer surveys, and more. Understanding the customer not only improves customer relationships, but it also allows you to optimize your market products and services.

Our customized retail outsourcing solutions help establish a streamlined business process to handle large volumes of data and back office support tasks, and this further enables our clients to reap the long-term benefits of a reduced overall cost, increased accuracy and efficiency, and faster turnaround times. All this works to improve customer service at your end. 

Advantages: Faster Processing Times, Real-Time Data Processing, Retail Document Processing & Conversion. 

Services: Sweepstakes Data Processing, Warranty Card Data Entry & Extraction, Data Mining, Order Fulfilment, Back Office Support, Order Processing

Yes, we provide managed financial services outsourcing and accounting solutions to a variety of clients both nationwide and globally. You can outsource all of your accounting department functions including individual functions related to accounts payable, expense reports, general ledger reconciliation, accounts receivable, bookkeeping, and bank reconciliation.

We employ a mix of smart people, smart processes and the right technology like automation and cloud-based management platforms to bring about digital transformation in your finance and accounting processes. 

Advantages: High Accuracy, Increased Efficiency, Faster Cycle Times. 

Services: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Invoice Processing, Bookkeeping, Finance & Accounting

The next big trend in outsourcing is customized outsourcing solutions and we at ARDEM can proudly say that we have customized business process outsourcing solutions since day one. 

Whenever we onboard a new client or business, our team takes the time to understand the current business processes and workflow, then we break down every step of the process and optimize it to deliver a fully tailored solution that transforms the current processes to deliver success. 

Advantages: Competitive Advantage, Higher ROIs, Reduced Costs, Customized Solutions. 

Services: BPO, Automation, Back Office Support, Finance & Accounting Solutions, Survey Management

We start by understanding your process, following the golden triangle of consult-delivery-propose for optimized project management. 

Our team will get in touch with you directly to gain an initial understanding of your business needs, the full scope of work and any other additional requirements. We will then proceed to discover the details of your current processes to analyze the current workflow. Following this, our team proposes a solution that aims to optimize your workstream for maximum performance.

At this stage, ARDEM will recruit and train your team, implement automation and deliver the proof of concept. Based on the feedback received, we will further revise and define the best possible solution for you. However, we are not done yet. We will implement the finalized solution and then study its performance to optimize further and deliver a successful solution. Our project management guidelines will ensure transparency and open communication between you and our team at every stage of execution. 

Advantages: Customized Solutions, Successful Solutions, Reduced Costs, Improved Efficiency. 

Services: BPO, Back Office, Finance & Accounting, Data Processing, Government Solutions

Robotic process automation is a strategic tool for success that applies advanced AI, machine learning and automation technologies to optimize business processes. 

We customize software bots by coding them to perform according to your optimized business processes. You can simply log in and upload your files into our cloud server after which ARDEM’s cloud-based robotic process automation kicks in. Our bots extract and organize the data from the extracted files. The processed files are compiled and ready to be downloaded at your convenience.

Advantages: Cost Reduction, Improved Accuracy/Quality, Increased Productivity, Enhanced Customer Experience. 

Services: Business Processes Outsourcing, Data Entry, Data Mining, Application & Claims Processing.

Business process automation (BPA) refers to the process by which complex business processes like data entry, document management, etc., are optimized and automated to provide successful business growth solutions. 

At ARDEM, we offer our clients advanced business process automation with our proprietary ARDEM bots that are configured to your exact process requirements. 

Our bots are capable of carrying out multi-process sequences; they receive data, separate the different data forms, split them into different categories, and output the data into a flat file, and then proceed to name and encrypt the final output. Discover advanced automation solutions for your business with ARDEM today!

Advantages: Intelligent Automated Solutions, Advanced Bot Technology, Efficient Workflow. 

Services: Financial, Healthcare, Logistics, Retail, Commercial, Manufacturing, Government

We offer businesses a variety of tech support outsourcing solutions including business process automation, robotic process automation, and ARDEM automation with our proprietary range of software bots.

Our headquarters, in New Jersey, hosts the in-house cloud-based network that enables us to provide our clients with advanced cloud computing solutions inclusive of cloud collaboration platforms like ARDEM collaboration, as well as cloud-based BPaaS solutions for invoice management, accounts payable processing, utility bill management, and survey management among others. 

Advantages: Machine Learning & AI Technologies, OCR Technology, Customized Solutions. 

Services: ARDEM Data Capture, ARDEM Automation, ARDEM Cloud Platforms.

Over the years, outsourcing has grown from just data entry services to cover a wide spectrum of solutions including accounts payable processing, invoice management, utility bill management, survey reporting, and customer service solutions.

At ARDEM, apart from the above services, we also offer a variety of automation services including business process automation, robotic process automation, and ARDEM automation

We also link business with cloud computing services through our cloud-based collaboration platforms: ARDEM Collaboration, the ARDEM Invoice Manager, the ARDEM Survey Manager, and the ARDEM Utility Manager. These platforms provide real-time access to data and trends.   

Advantages: Customized Solutions, Automation Solutions, Cloud-based Solutions.

Services: Business Outsourcing Services, Real-Time Data Processing, Automation Services, Collaboration Platforms. 

At ARDEM, we sincerely believe that successful solutions start with a successful team. We curate the most qualified team members with deep industry knowledge and extensive work experience to provide the highest accuracy and quality of work based on your industry. All team members are college-educated.

For example- for an accounts payable solution: analysts will have relevant experience working in your financial suite (i.e. Microsoft Dynamics).  Also, they will have a college background in the following areas: Finance/Accounting, Mathematics, Engineering.

Each team consists of a qualified Project Manager, the appropriate number of analysts, along with full IT support, and a competent program/developer team, who come together to create successful solutions for your business.

Additionally here at ARDEM, we take pride in becoming a part of your business team and are always available exactly when you need us. We listen to your needs. The ability to scale when needed is always just a simple phone call away.

Advantages: Multiple Skill Sets at one effective rate, Fully-Equipped Team, Project Managers, Data Analysts, Data Scientists, Quality Control Team, IT Support, Net Developer, Programmers. 

Services: Business Process Solutions, Back Office Support ServicesAccounts Payable, Invoice Management Solutions.

One of the biggest concerns while outsourcing your business processes is the fear of data theft or breach. While your fears are completely justified, it is important to know that outsourcing companies are equally serious about this threat and employ a series of security measures to protect your sensitive data. 

At ARDEM, we recognize that with data security comes great responsibility, and that’s exactly why we practice ISO27001- this addresses security at 3 main levels: Physical, Network, and Employee.  Appropriate redundancies are in place at all 3 levels. Standard practice for us includes VPNs, SSLs, encryption protocols during file transfer and at rest, Biometric security protocols, as well as HIPAA, PCI and GDPR compliance.

Apart from our security compliances and protocols, we are also extremely careful about who we expose your data to. In terms of our data entry services, access to sensitive data is strictly on a need-to-know basis, and we have measures in place that ensure that your data cannot be moved, saved, edited, or seen by unauthorized team members.

Our foundation started 16 years ago working as a U.S. Federal Government contractor. We know security! Processing Confidential Materials is our forte. Throughout the lifetime of our company, there has never been any data breach of any kind. Please ask for more security information to be provided during the initial discovery.

Advantages: ISO27001, SOC2, HIPAA, PCI, GDPR Compliances, Stringent Security Measures, Assured Data Security.

Services: Data Extraction, Data Mining, Data Analysis, Data Capture.

As one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, India has a large youth population composed of well-educated adults with the zeal to prove themselves and do better. The availability of a highly committed, analytical workforce that delivers consistent services of high quality at a more reasonable price makes India the perfect destination for business process outsourcing services. Our operations office in Lucknow, India, boasts of a strong team of college-educated professionals who come with strong analytical and problem-solving skills to deliver successful solutions. 

ARDEM is a global outsourcing provider.  ARDEM Partnerships provide the benefits of working with our team that is located both in the United States along with our Global operations located in Lucknow.  This means your company receives all the benefits of offshore outsourcing with the added benefit of onshore outsourcing. No need to worry about timezone delays, language barriers, or lack of visibility into your process- we have you covered!

 Advantages: Visibility, Fully Outsourced Solutions, Highly Educated Team, Greater Throughput Efficiency, Increased Productivity, Faster Turnaround, Competitive Pricing.

Services: Business Process Outsourcing Services, Real-Time Data Processing, 3-Shift Schedules, Trained and Qualified Team. 

Did you know that ARDEM was ranked among the top data entry outsourcing companies in 2019

We provide a wide range of data entry outsourcing services, whether it be data entry from paper forms or images, and even process data directly into your database. With the aid of our proprietary and innovative technologies, we guarantee a higher level of efficiency and accuracy that translates into a higher ROI for you. 

Our Data Entry Solutions are built so that you can focus on what matters most to your company.  Let us handle the details of data entry. Our solutions will always deliver the highest quality of data, in the fastest cycle time, at the most competitive price.

Advantages: Proprietary data entry process to yield ~100% accuracy. Automated Data Capture + Effort-based data entry processes, Online Data Entry Directly to Your System, Automated Data Feed via API, Flat File Delivery to your ERP.

Services: Data Extraction, Data Mining, Data Analysis, Data Capture, Data Entry for Surveys, Data Entry from Invoices, Rebates, Claims Processing, Document Indexing.

Traditionally, the main and most obvious benefit of business process outsourcing is the reduced operating cost. Instead of hiring expensive resources, you simply outsource your business process to a third-party agency with a different compensation structure and smart resources. 

However, in reality, the scope of business process outsourcing is so much more than simply reducing the cost of operations. Outsourcing enables you to enjoy higher quality services that give you a competitive advantage. The outsourcing of business processes like data entry or invoice processing also frees up your existing resources, leaving you free to focus on key competencies and scaling your business.

Advantages: Lower Cost of Operations, High-Quality Work, Scalable Growth Solutions. 

Services: Data Entry, Cloud Collaboration Platforms, Finance & Accounting, Survey Manager.


Back office services are solutions built to handle the administrative and support processes in a company that is traditionally non-client facing. Processes include finance and accounting, record or application processing, data entry, and compliance type needs.

When it comes to providing back office services, no one is as committed as ARDEM to create a streamlined process that manages and executes your back end operations seamlessly.

We analyze your business needs and tailor the perfect team for your business consisting of application engineers, database designers, workflow experts, process and quality engineers, trainers, and project managers.

Advantages: Qualified Project Managers, Analytical FTEs, Full IT Support, Developers, Programmers, Transparency, Continuous Improvement.

Services: Data Entry Services, Document Processing, Application Processing, Order Entry, and Claims Processing.