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Benefitting Many by making Opportunities available to them.

We Support Non-Profits in Improving Lives of People through Reduction of Poverty and the Improvement of the Environment.


Helping the environment through planting of vegetation.


Promoting cleanliness through local community clean-up projects.


Helping small farmers generate livelihood for themselves.

Children Education

Helping children study for a better future.

Disaster Relief

Helping people in disaster stuck reigons.


Helping the environment through planting of vegetation.

Currently, an arid section between a housing development and a heavily trafficked road it is being developed through effort by a small team of concerned neighbors. They have already cleared up the trash which was collecting in this open space and begun the planting of native plants and bougainvillea all along the roadside fence. This area can be used by everyone as a a shaded area to get out of the hot sun and the tiled path can be used for walks.

How our grantees are working on Conservation?

Large ficus trees provide vegetation for monkeys to co-exist in the vicinity.

Grant RFP: Helping City Environment through Planting of Vegetation.


Promoting cleanliness through local community clean-up projects.

Supporting efforts to clean up neighborhoods and public spaces.

Grant RFP: Promoting Cleanliness and Hygiene through Community Clean-Up.


Helping small farmers generate livelihood for themselves.

Promoting sustainable methods of farming food for meeting local needs.

Grant RFP: Helping Small Farmers Generate Income.

Job Creation

Helping people generate livelihood for themselves.

Promoting education and technical job skill development.

Job creation in rural areas.

Grant RFP: Seed Funding for starting small business in rural areas.

Children Education

How our grantees are working to improve children’s education.

For a brighter future for each and every child.

NavSahyog Foundation develops life skills and creativity skills in village children in the 5–14-year age group. Life skills are developed through Sports, Storytelling, Experiential Learning, and Creative Activities. Objective is to develop a strong foundation for the children to create a superior livelihood for themselves and others, leading to sustainable rural prosperity.

Education of Children in Rural India

At the ARDEM, we are happy to support the NavSahyog Foundation who is helping 9000+ children across 300+ villages develop life skills. Supporting the NavSahyog Foundation allowed us to see the impact of their efforts in empowering rural children and promoting environmental awareness amongst them.

NavSahyog Foundation develops life skills and creativity skills in village children in the 5–14-year age group. Life skills are developed through Sports, Storytelling, Experiential Learning and Creative Activities. Objective is to develop a strong foundation for the children to create a superior livelihood for themselves and others, leading to sustainable rural prosperity. These daily activities are undertaken in 300+ villages across the Indian states of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Nagaland. These activities benefit 9000+ children daily. Partnering with NavSahyog Foundation allowed us to see the direct and significant impact of their efforts in empowering rural children and promoting environmental awareness.

Measurable Impact:

  • They have empowered and positively impacted ~350 women in the villages, who have been trained to deliver the NavSahyog Program.
  • 60% of the beneficiaries are girls. Also, 97% of their team members are women and among them 97% are in the villages.
  • Third Party Impact Assessment Report has been produced by X-Leap (ex-McKinsey consultants): Has very positive feedback from parents, teachers, community members and alumni children who have previously graduated from the NavSahyog Program.
  • Stories of Change as reported by the alumni children. Stories of Change
  • Full X-Leap Impact Report: X-Leap Report
  • Azim Premji University Report
  • Annual Impact Studies Annual Impact Reports
ARDEM CSR planting tree social responsibility
ARDEM CSR planting tree social responsibility

Prakriti Prem (Loving Nature)

One of the cornerstone projects we support alongside NavSahyog is the “Prakriti Prem” initiative. Through this endeavor, children in rural areas are provided with fruit saplings to nurture at their homes. This hands-on experience not only instills a deep love for nature but also cultivates an interest in farming practices among the youth. We are proud to have contributed to the distribution of 800 saplings as part of the Prakriti Prem project, symbolizing hope and growth for a greener tomorrow.

Disaster Relief

How our grantees are working on Disaster Relief.

Supporting disaster relief programs and people in disaster-stricken areas.

Our Beliefs

  • We believe all people are good.
  • We are all pursuing the same goals of living a healthy and happy life.
  • Those who are economically ahead are in a better position to help those who are economically disadvantaged.
  • We are part of Nature