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Utility Bill Management Services involve the processing of utility bills, from utility bill receipt, data collection from utility bills to utility bill payment processing. Utility Bill Management Service providers can assist with like time-intensive tasks related manual data entry processing or data capture processing from utility bills, faster processing of utility bills and the elimination of “missed” bill payments. Utility Bill Management Service providers can also provide energy consumption for Sustainability reporting. Data collected from utility bills can also provide data for utility expense spend analysis. This helps you identify utility cost-saving opportunities and improve energy consumption efficiency. Utility BPO services can help businesses improve their utility bill processing and utility bill payment processes. Outsourcing companies utilize utility bill management software, artificial intelligence and cloud technologies for utility bill processing automation. Utility Bill Management Service providers bring expertise in utility bill data capture, utility bill data collection, and utility bill data management. In addition, utility management services offer a complete approach to monitoring, analyzing, and optimizing utility consumption across multiple locations.

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Utility Bill Management Services help organizations track and review their utility expenses. Utility Bill Management Services can include receipt of utility bills, processing of utility bills for the extraction of utility data, the audit of utility bills, and the account payable management of utility bills for utility expense management. Utility Bill Data shows the amount of water, energy, and electricity consumption for your facility. Utility Data is acquired from processing utility bills that you receive from your utility company. Utility billing management services can ensure timely payments, reduce bill processing errors, and improve utility expense management across multiple locations.

Utility Bills contain Energy Consumption Data and Utility Expense Data. Utility Bill Management companies collect utility bill data from Paper bills, Digital images of the utility bills, or directly from the Utility Provider Sites. The Utility Bill Invoice Processing provides visibility to how much you spend on utilities at each of your different locations. Utility Bill Management companies such as ARDEM meet the need for utility bill data management for Accounts Payable and for Sustainability Reporting. Utility invoice management ensures accurate processing, timely payments to utility service providers, and improved tracking of utility expenses across all facilities.



Normalizing data from water utility bills. Water bill data from different utilities could be in CCF, or gallons of water usage.



Electric energy bill data is captured for visibility into Consumption and Energy Spend.

natural gas


Extracting Natural Gas Consumption Data and Spend Data for Payment and Environmental Sustainability Analysis.



Waste Data collection for both Utility Data Spend Analysis and Utility Data Environmental Impact Analysis.



Internet, Cable, Telephone, Wireless Utility Bill Data Management for Spend Analysis.



Collecting data from Sewage Bills for Payment and Environmental Analysis.

Utility Bill Processing

Improving Your Utility Bill Management Process Through Automation

Utility Bill Processing must be fast. Data extracted must be accurate. Bills must get paid on time. Bills from multiple utilities and for multiple service locations must be tracked so that no bill gets missed. Bills must get paid on time. And many bills must be processed each month. Utility data capture ensures that all relevant information from utility bills is accurately extracted and processed for timely payments. Combining advanced Data Capture technology and Data Entry methodology we streamline your utility bill processing. We increase utility bill data accuracy, shorten turnaround time, and reduce costs with ARDEM Automation. Efficient utility invoice processing ensures that all utility invoices are accurately captured, processed, and paid promptly, reducing the risk of late fees and service interruptions.

Sustainability Reporting

How Data from Utility Bills is used for Sustainability

  • Data captured from Utility Bills are normalized for Sustainability Analysis. How much energy is consumed at a location?
  • What are the historical trends in energy consumption?
  • What is the impact of energy improvements made at a location?
  • What is energy consumption across different locations?

Consumption data is collected from utility bills for sustainability and environmental reporting. Energy data is used for utility expense analysis. Accurate utility data collection helps you for tracking energy usage, identifying spending trends, and making informed decisions for sustainability and utility expense reduction.

Utility Bill Data Analysis

How Utility Bill Data from Thousands of Vendors Gets into One Flat File

Each utility vendor has their own bill format. Each utility vendor uses their own units of measure to provide you Consumption and Spend data.

  • How Do you analyze energy consumption and payment data from multiple locations?
  • What location has excessive consumption?
  • Where is your monthly spending out of range?

We normalize data from thousands of utility vendors across all your sites so that the utility bill data is easy to analyze. ARDEM Utility Manager is a cloud service for utility bill management.

Utility Bill Processing

Utility Bill Processing must consider the processing of utility bills received in different utility service provider formats. By combining advance data capture technology and data validation routines, we improve your bill processing cycle time. We increase the accuracy of utility data extracted and reduce your utility bill management costs. Availability of consumption data can help you with your sustainability efforts. Utility bill management companies provide expertise in the efficient collection of monthly utility bills, the extraction of data from utility bills, utility expense management and tasks related to utility service administration.

ARDEM Utility Manager

A True Cloud-Based BPaas Solution

Reducing the Average Cost of Processing by 30%

Email, Scan, or Upload Utility Bills

Utility Bills can also be sent directly to ARDEM cloud network where they can be sorted and processed in real time.

Automate Using Machine Learning and AI

ARDEM Data Capture utilizes machine learning and artificial intelligence to quickly and accurately extract utility bill data from specific fields.

Streamlined Approver Process

Automatically generated notifications will be sent to your list of approvers to decrease cycle time and make vendors happy.

Easy to Integrate in Your Systems

Normalize Data from multiple vendor formats and download a file to easy ingest into your system.

Utility Bill Management Services

Utility Bill Data Collection, Utility Bill Auditing, Utility Bill Payment and Energy Consumption Data Analysis are optimized for cost-efficiency and for improving sustainability. ARDEM Utility Bill Management Services transform your current processes using automation and by providing accurate Utility Bill Data Management. Utility data management ensures all utility-related information is accurately tracked and stored for easy access and analysis. Utility bill processing services improve the receipt, auditing, and payment of utility bills, ensuring timely and accurate handling of utility expenses.

Utility Bill Management Services help organizations with the receiving and processing of Utility Bills, tracking of Energy usage, Auditing of utility bills, and Payment of Utility Bills. Utility Bill Management can also help organizations understand their energy expenses and the impact of utility expenses on business. Utility expense management helps organizations monitor and control utility spending by having access to utility spending reports. Utility Bill Management services can achieve cost reduction through identification of incorrect utility bill charges, out of range energy usage, and wastage.

What Are the Challenges of Utility Data Collection?

The challenge many utility companies are facing comes from the manual nature of collecting bills and entering them into a system. Utility solution providers are searching for a more automated solution for utility invoice management.

Streamline Utility Bill Management

When multiple facilities are involved, the challenge becomes even greater. This holds especially true for energy management solutions providers that coordinate the utility bills for businesses overseeing a multitude of different buildings, such as real estate developers.

Extract Data from All Utility Bills

Utility Bill Processing comes with a considerable amount of challenges due to the variance between service providers. Combining advance data capture technology and data entry methodology we streamline your bill processing by increasing accuracy, shortening turnaround time, and reducing costs by supporting all utility bill formats.

Login to the Platform

Gain access to your work space and view the progress of all received utility bills in real-time.

Upload Utility Bills

Easily upload your utility bills  and they are automatically ingested  into the processing cycle.

Data Extraction

Through our automated processing cycle, data from utility bills are extracted into a flat file.

Ready-To-Use Data

Utility bill data will be available for download in your preferred file type to be ingested into your system.

See Why Industry Leaders Choose ARDEM
Read Our Case Studies

Streamlining Utility Data Collection and Extraction for a Software Company

Automating Utility and Invoice Processing For a Large IT Service Management Company

Sustaining a Uniform Utility Process

Check Out the ARDEM Utility Bill Resource Library
Discover More About Utility Bill Management Solutions

Can OCR Automate Your Invoice and Utility Bill Processing?

How to Streamline Utility Consumption and Sustainability Reporting

Top 5 Technologies Impacting Utility Bill Processing

How Does Automating Utility Bill Processing Provide Business Value?

improving processes

Renewable Energy

Aiming for Efficiency

Tracking the use of renewable energy helps contribute towards your sustainability goals and to reduce the cost of utilities. This historical database of renewable energy can be utilized to efficiently reduce utility vendor costs by improving your Utility Bill Data Management.

ESG Management

Improve Growth and Lower Risks

Achieve efficiency goals by managing the energy conservation efforts for ESG Grade building investments. ESG Compliance leads to higher long-term profitability, lower risks, and a positive investment impact.

ARDEM Technology Platform

With ARDEM Technology, we take the brightest minds, advanced technologies, and robust processes to design the best outsourcing solution. We have automated thousands of processes from a wide range of industries to help tackle your in-house challenges.

ARDEM Capture

ARDEM Workflow

ARDEM Automation

Utility Bill Management Services

Utility Bill Management Services to Help our Clients Reduce Utility Bill Data Processing Costs.

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