ARDEM Document Conversion Services
Million Pages to Scan, No Problem
ARDEM can scan your paper files to PDF and other image formats. You put all your binders and paper files in boxes- We come pick up the boxes and bring them to our document scanning services facility to scan. Our Document Scanning Solutions team will prepare each document for scanning, scan the document, index the scanned image ensuring that each page is scanned and each scanned image is of the highest quality.
What can You Scan
For Accounts Payable we scan vendor invoices and index them. Vendor invoices are mailed to us. We scan them, extract key data from invoices and make the invoices available a scanned images to our clients.
For Law firms Legal Document Scanning Services and Litigation Document Scanning Services. We scan Legal Case Files and Legal Discovery documents and make them searchable so you can quickly access the needed information from the scanned documents. We scan the discovery documents, unitize them into logical scan files and Bate stamp them as needed.
For Pharmacology we have scanned research documents. Research documents are scanned and scan image PDF files are named by subject matter for easy search and access.
For Real Estate we have scanned apartment lease documents. Lease contracts are scanned and scan image files are named by apartment number for ease of search and access.
For doctors and hospitals ARDEM provides scanning service for the digitization of medical records. The scanning of medical records and digitization of medical patient charts assists in the conversion of paper medical documents to scanned electronic medical records. All medical document scanning and scanning of paper files is secure and complies with HIPAA requirements to protect patient medical records.
For one government agency we scanned 6 million pages of Case files. 3000 boxes, each containing about 50 paper case files were scanned to Tiff format. Each scan image was indexed by 8 separate search fields.
For pharmaceutical company we have scanned research papers. Binders containing research papers are scanned to separate searchable PDF files and are indexed by subject title.
For another federal government agency we have scanned facility plans and back-file documents. Facility plans of up to E size drawings were intermixed with standard 8 1/2 X 11 pages. Scanning of all documents was done at 300 dpi or higher resolution.
For Claims Receivables Management we have scanned the health claim forms, captured the data from the claim forms, and then routed the scan images of the claims to the collection team who can now quickly search for and retrieve the scan images of the health claim.
And, for all Offices- File Scanning Services to convert all your paper files to scan documents.
How We Scan Your Documents
Put the files and documents that need to be scanned in boxes. We will come pick up the boxes and bring them to our document scanning service location in New Jersey. We will next prepare the documents for scanning. This includes removing the paper from the files and binders, removing staples and other clips, inserting separation sheets to make logical document sets so that the paper documents are ready for scanning. We will scan the documents after the scanner settings have been adjusted to give the best image quality for the documents being scanned. After scanning we will index the documents or, in many cases rename the files to match the names on the paper file folders. All the scanned images are then put on a portable drive, or DVD, or CD based on storage size needed.
Why You Need to Scan
With Document Scanning
- Easily share information with scanned documents. Much easier to distribute and share digital scan images rather than paper files.
- Document imaging helps you save storage space. No expensive office real-estate taken up by file cabinets and boxes of paper files. And, no monthly storage fees, or, the more expensive document retrieval fees when you go to get the paper files from storage.
- Scan images are better for audits and compliance. Easier to locate and use for compliance.
- Scanned documents are easier for discovery. With indexed and searchable scanned images you can quickly locate the information you need.
Document Scanning Everywhere
ARDEM is the premier document scanning company providing document scanning services and document imaging services to our clients in New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Washington D.C. , Massachusetts and Connecticut.
Scanning for the Government
ARDEM can provide Document Conversion Services to our Government clients under its GSA Schedule 36 contract for Document Conversion Services.
GSA Contract : GS-03F-0146V under Schedule 36 SIN 51 506 for Document Conversion Services.
Why Document Conversion by ARDEM?
To provide the best document scanning services we use the latest scan equipment with the most up to date scanning software to produce the best scan quality images for you. We develop a robust work process for document preparation, document scanning and document indexing which assures that each piece of paper is accounted for, and each step of the document scanning process can be quality checked.
Whether it is one box or, 5000 boxes, we can scale our document scanning services to your document scan conversion requirements and we will deliver the best scan images to you. If your document scanning requirement is time bound and you want consistent high quality scan images organized correctly into digital document folders ARDEM Document Scanning Services can help.
Your documents are critical for you. We have security processes in place for our document scanning services which cover facility security, background checks for people and security protocols for our network. HIPAA policy is in place to protect PHI and PII.
You could be considering Document Scanning, if
You have a large volume of paper files. It is much easier to retrieve and search in digital files than searching through paper documents.
Your paper file cabinets are taking up valuable real estate.
You need to share information- much easier to send digital files as email attachments rather than mail paper documents
You can have better compliance, security and audit trails with digital scanned documents rather than paper.
Digital scan images can improve your work processes- more efficient to track and follow up in accounts payable and in accounts receivable and collection with digital copies of claims and bills rather than muddling through all that paper.
- This is the step where we need your help. We ask that you pack the paper files in sturdy shipping boxes, keeping the files in the same order as they are in your file cabinets. Next, mark the boxes (for example: list the name of the first file and the last file). This allows us to use this unique identifier throughout the processing cycle. This is particularly helpful should you call and need a file to be scanned and delivered to you right away, we will know exactly where it is located at all times.Don’t worry, if you have a large volume of papers, we can come to you and help pack the files for you. Should your project require chain of custody, we can inventory each file and box and apply tracking bar codes where applicable.
- We can come and pick up the boxes at your location. Our driver will inventory the boxes of documents that are ready to be scanned and sign off on the manifest confirming the count of boxes picked up for scanning.You can also choose to ship the boxes to our processing location using a third party package service such as Fed Ex, UPS. Typically, boxes shipped to us from within our northeast service region ( Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Washington DC, Pennsylvania and Virginia) get to us within 1-2 days.
- Upon receipt, documents are stored in secure storage while waiting processing.Document access is controlled throughout the project. There is an audit trail for every process in the document scanning work flow for the physical documents. Each box of paper must be signed for at every process during the work flow. The boxes are checked out for scanning and checked back in after scanning for each step during the scanning process by a project manager.Document Preparation is critical step in establishing the digital file structure. Documents are removed from their bindings while maintaining their logical unit structure. Separator sheets are inserted at logical separation points based on client requirements. Staples, brads, and paper clips are removed, as are post-it notes and other attachments prior to scanning. Post-it notes from single-sided documents will be taped to the blank side of the page before scanning. We use duplex scanners so the notes will become an additional image to a document.
- ARDEM can deliver the digital scan images on a CD, on a USB, or give you access via secure FTP to download the scan images and related index. Successful delivery is getting high quality images, all pages scanned and accounted for, 100% accurate index- all delivered as per commitment and at the best price.
- Whether it is 1000 files or 1 million files they are not of much use to you unless we do one of two things. Either we give some intelligence to the digital file by naming t ( for example by same name as the paper file) or, by creating an index for you. So once we have quality checked the scan images, converted them into logical digital files we will either rename the file (example ARDEM Document Scanning. PDF) or, create an index in the format (Image Name), (File Name) (example, 00001.PDF, ARDEM Document Scanning)
- High-speed auto feed duplex scanners accommodate various page sizes, up to 11’ x 17”. Large format scanners will be utilized to scan oversize documents that may be intermixed with standard size documents. Scanning is typically at 300 dpi resolution, Black & White and to PDF file format.After scanning the original paper documents are placed back in the binder in the order in which received and the binders are put back in the boxes in the order in which received- thereby maintaining complete integrity during the complete scan process.