During the spring and summer building seasons, an engineering and environmental consultation company found it difficult to manage fluctuating work volumes. With a lean team, the current process provided little flexibility.
As a result, this company was looking to outsource the data processing of housing inspection reports into their current system.

During the spring and summer building seasons, an engineering and environmental consultation company found it difficult to manage fluctuating work volumes. With a lean team, the current process provided little flexibility.
As a result, this company was looking to outsource the data processing of housing inspection reports into their current system.
Rather than implementing an entirely new product, ARDEM found it would be more efficient to work using the consulting company’s current software. Through training sessions, ARDEM data analysts would learn to identify key fields of information such as the foundation type of a building.
Within a short amount of time, the environmental consultation company was able to transition this data processing function to ARDEM in order to focus on core competencies to provide better solutions to help improve energy efficiency.