In healthcare, accurate patient data is a requirement. Errors in healthcare data can lead to mistakes. There can be misdiagnoses, treatment delays, or jeopardized patient safety. To assure high data accuracy, ARDEM provides Data Entry Services to our healthcare clients.  Data Entry Services improve data accuracy and provide actionable data to healthcare clients as and when they need it.   This helps our healthcare clients maintain accurate patient records and deliver superior patient care. Let’s look at how ARDEM’s healthcare outsourcing solution helped a client.

Challenges Faced by Healthcare Customer

Our client is a prominent healthcare facility serving a diverse patient community. They rely heavily on an extensive electronic health record (EHR) system to manage patient information, medical histories, and treatment plans. Despite the robust EHR system, the hospital occasionally grappled with data entry errors that could potentially compromise patient care. 

The challenges confronted by our client were diverse and multifaceted, each presenting its unique set of concerns:

1. Achieving Data Entry Accuracy

  • Patient Safety at Risk: Infrequent inaccuracies and disparities in patient records pose a potential threat to patient safety. These errors could lead to misdiagnoses, incorrect treatment plans, or even medication errors. 
  • Eroded Trust: Inaccurate patient data erodes trust in the healthcare system. Patients rely on precise medical records for their care, and any errors can lead to a loss of confidence in the healthcare provider’s ability to manage their health effectively. 

2. Improving Data Validation Processing Time

  • Resource Drain: The process of identifying and rectifying errors within the Electronic Health Record (EHR) system consumed valuable time, diverting healthcare professionals from their primary role of providing patient care. This not only affected patient satisfaction but also the efficiency of the healthcare facility. 
  • Operational Delays: Delays in data validation led to slower decision-making processes, which could impact the timely administration of treatments and interventions. In cases where urgent care was required, these delays could be life-threatening. 

3. Compliance and Quality Assurance

  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring compliance with healthcare regulatory requirements was a constant challenge. Failure to meet these standards could result in legal consequences, fines, or even the suspension of healthcare services. 
  • Data Quality Assurance: Maintaining a consistently high standard of data quality was pivotal for both patient care and regulatory compliance. Subpar data quality could not only affect patient safety but also hinder accurate research and reporting, potentially leading to misinformed healthcare decisions. 

What Were the Solutions Provided and How Did Our Healthcare Customer Implement them?

Recognizing the need for a robust quality assurance process, ARDEM proposed the implementation of a Dual Data Entry Procedure, a comprehensive and proven approach designed to significantly enhance data accuracy while reducing errors.


A. Cost Estimation

Personnel Costs:

  • Data Entry Team Assembly: Depending on the volume of data and entry speed required, a skilled data entry team was meticulously assembled. The team’s size was tailored to the data processing needs to ensure efficiency and accuracy. 
  • Data Quality Specialist: A dedicated data quality specialist was assigned to oversee the validation and resolution of discrepancies in the dual data entry process. This specialist played a pivotal role in ensuring data accuracy. 
  • Extensive Training: To maintain consistency and precision in data entry, rigorous training programs were conducted for both the data entry team and the data quality specialist. Continuous skill development ensured that the team was well-equipped to handle complex healthcare data.

Technology Costs: 

  • Development of Data Entry Platform : ARDEM invested in the development of a custom dual entry application. This application replicated the images received from clients, offering a user-friendly interface for simultaneous data entry and comparison. The development process focused on creating a seamless and efficient workflow to enhance data accuracy. 

Process Optimization Costs: 

  • Image Preprocessing: In cases where client-provided images contained data for multiple patients on a single page, preprocessing was implemented to separate and categorize individual patient data. This step streamlined data entry and improved overall efficiency. 
  • Automation Tools: Automation tools were deployed to optimize manual preprocessing tasks, reducing human effort and minimizing the risk of errors. These tools also played a role in automating the comparison and validation process, further enhancing data accuracy. 
  • Auditing Tools: The creation of auditing tools and software aided in the verification of data accuracy and compliance with regulatory requirements. These tools facilitated the identification of discrepancies and areas needing improvement.

B. Production

  • Selection of Data Entry Team: Skilled data entry professionals were meticulously selected based on their proficiency and commitment to data accuracy. Each team member was trained to adhere to identical data entry protocols, ensuring consistency and precision in the dual data entry process. 
  • Simultaneous Data Entry: The dual data entry procedure involved simultaneous data entry by the team members into the custom application. This approach generated two separate sets of data for each patient, allowing for immediate comparison and validation. 
  • Comparison and Verification: After data entry, a designated data quality specialist meticulously reviewed the compared data within the application. Any discrepancies or errors were promptly flagged for further review and correction. 
  • Resolution of Discrepancies: In cases where discrepancies were identified, the data quality specialist collaborated closely with the data entry teams to rectify the issues in real time. This collaborative approach ensured that errors were addressed promptly, contributing to enhanced data accuracy. 
  • Regular Audits and Training: A system of regular audits and continuous training programs was established to maintain the integrity of the Dual Data Entry Procedure. These audits served as checkpoints to ensure adherence to established protocols and provided opportunities for skill enhancement and feedback for data entry professionals. 

This comprehensive implementation strategy ensured that the Dual Data Entry Procedure was not only executed effectively but also continuously improved to meet the evolving data accuracy requirements in the healthcare sector.

How ARDEM Resolved the Customer’s Data Entry Issues

The implementation of the Dual Data Entry Procedure brought about transformative and highly impactful outcomes for our healthcare facility clients, significantly elevating the quality of patient care and data accuracy.

1. Enhanced Data Accuracy

One of the most remarkable achievements stemming from the introduction of the Dual Data Entry Procedure was the substantial reduction in data entry errors. Prior to its implementation, infrequent inaccuracies and disparities in patient records posed a potential threat to patient safety. Misdiagnoses, incorrect treatment plans, and medication errors were looming risks that could have had dire consequences for patients. 

However, with the meticulous implementation of dual data entry, these errors witnessed a remarkable decline. The collaborative effort of the data entry team, working in tandem with the data quality specialist, created a robust system of cross-verification and validation. Each data point entered into the system was scrutinized by two separate sets of eyes, significantly diminishing the probability of errors slipping through unnoticed. 

This reduction in data entry errors translated directly to more precise and reliable patient records. Patients’ medical histories, treatment plans, and vital information were now stored with a level of accuracy that healthcare professionals could rely on with confidence. The result was a healthcare environment where medical decisions were grounded in accurate data, leading to improved patient outcomes and enhanced patient safety.

2. Efficient Data Validation

Prior to the implementation of the Dual Data Entry Procedure, identifying and rectifying errors within the Electronic Health Record (EHR) system consumed a significant amount of valuable time. Healthcare professionals were compelled to allocate considerable hours to data validation and correction, diverting them from their primary responsibility—providing attentive patient care. 

However, with the establishment of dual data entry, time-consuming data validation became a streamlined and efficient process. Simultaneous data entry by the team of professionals led to the creation of two separate sets of data for each patient. These dual data sets were subject to immediate comparison and verification within the dual entry application. 

The involvement of the data quality specialist, responsible for reviewing and flagging discrepancies, added an extra layer of efficiency to the process. In cases where errors or inconsistencies were identified, they were addressed promptly, without the need for protracted and time-draining data correction procedures. 

As a result, the time spent on data validation and correction was reduced significantly. Healthcare professionals were no longer burdened by laborious and time-consuming tasks, freeing up valuable hours that could be redirected toward providing more attentive and high-quality patient care. This not only improved the overall efficiency of the healthcare facility but also contributed to a more satisfying and effective patient care experience.

3. Continuous Skill Refinement

A fundamental component of the success of the Dual Data Entry Procedure was the commitment to the continuous training and skill development of the data entry professionals. This ongoing training played a pivotal role in maintaining a high standard of data accuracy and quality. 

Regular feedback and audits were established as an integral part of the procedure. Periodic audits were conducted to ensure that data entry professionals adhered to the established protocols and best practices. These audits served as checkpoints to identify areas that needed improvement, offering a structured and constructive approach to enhancing skills and performance. 

The collaborative nature of the dual data entry process fostered a culture of shared learning and improvement. Data entry professionals learned from each other’s best practices and techniques, contributing to a collective skill enhancement. This collaborative learning environment also extended to the data quality specialist, who played a crucial role in validating data and providing feedback to improve data accuracy. 

As a result, the skills of the data entry professionals were continuously refined and honed. They became more adept at identifying and mitigating potential errors, contributing to the overall reduction in data entry errors. Moreover, this culture of continuous improvement ensured that the Dual Data Entry Procedure remained effective and adaptive to the evolving data accuracy requirements in the healthcare sector. 

All in all, implementation of the Dual Data Entry Procedure yielded substantial and wide-reaching benefits for our healthcare facility clients. These benefits encompassed error reduction, time savings, and enhanced staff training. The procedure not only significantly improved data accuracy but also contributed to a safer and more efficient healthcare environment where patient safety was prioritized, valuable time was saved, and the skills of healthcare professionals were continuously refined. This case study serves as a compelling example of how a commitment to data accuracy can translate into tangible improvements in patient care and operational efficiency within the healthcare sector.

 A Transformative Solution in Healthcare

The implementation of the Dual Data Entry Procedure has unequivocally proven to be a game-changing solution, successfully addressing data entry challenges and significantly enhancing the accuracy of patient records within our esteemed healthcare facility clients. This innovative approach to data management not only resulted in elevated data quality but also fostered a safer, more efficient, and patient-centered healthcare environment. 

Improvement in data accuracy 

  • Prior challenges: Infrequent inaccuracies and inconsistencies in patient records. 
  • Risk to patient safety. 
  • Meticulous and collaborative efforts of the data entry team and data quality specialist. 
  • Remarkable decline in errors. 
  • Dual data entry process: Cross-verification by two sets of vigilant eyes. 
  • Drastically reduced chances of undetected errors. 
  • More precise and dependable patient records. 
  • Enhanced quality of healthcare delivered. 

Time savings of paramount significance 

  • The previous burden on healthcare professionals was removed. 
  • Dual data entry streamlines and improves efficiency. 
  • Simultaneous data entry, comparison, and verification. 
  • Reduced time spent on data validation and correction. 
  • Liberation of healthcare professionals. 
  • More time and attention for patients. 
  • Bolstered operational efficiency. 
  • Improved patient care experience. 

Furthermore, this case study highlights some key points of our client’s efforts to provide the highest standards of care for their patients: 

  • Prioritization of data accuracy as a key focus. 
  • Investment in innovative solutions like dual data entry. 
  • Demonstration of dedication to patient safety and well-being. 
  • Exemplification of best practices for data quality assurance. 
  • Setting a compelling example for other healthcare organizations. 
  • Encouragement for placing patient care at the forefront of operations. 

In conclusion, the success of the Dual Data Entry Procedure is not merely a testament to the capabilities of modern data management. It is also a tribute to the healthcare facility’s dedication to its patients. This remarkable journey toward data accuracy and patient safety serves as a beacon of inspiration for the healthcare sector. It encourages organizations to embrace innovative solutions that prioritize the well-being of patients and the efficacy of healthcare services. 

ARDEM provides Business Process Outsourcing and Business Process Automation Services to established companies to help them improve operational Efficiency and Reduce Costs.  For more information please reach out to us at or call us at 908-359-2600.

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