Small business lenders often struggle with hiring qualified employees or finding enough talent within their geographic area. They face staffing challenges, such as recruiting qualified employees, training workers, managing payroll, etc. Read More
In today’s fast-paced business world, growing companies face many challenges, particularly in managing their accounts payable processes. Inefficient accounts payable (AP) management can lead to many issues. These include missed vendor payments, cash flow issues, and strained vendor relationships.Read More
Access to credit is critical for many businesses and individuals, but it is not always readily available. Traditional banking institutions are often slow to provide loans to customers who lack collateral or credit history. Conversely, alternative lending services have made it easier to access loans. Read More
The lending space has been undergoing significant changes over the past few years, as the number of alternative lenders has dramatically increased. This rapid growth has resulted in increased inefficiencies in the lending process, making it increasingly challenging for lenders to ensure compliance and maximize efficiency. Read More
Loan application processing can be a time-consuming process for lending organizations. It involves a series of steps, many of them involving repetitive, routine-based activities. These steps take time, and this is where outsourcing may help.
With remote work becoming the norm at companies across industries, account payable outsourcing is growing. The COVID-19 pandemic has altered how we conduct business. Companies are experiencing heavy strain on their account payable departments, thus, an increased need for account payable outsourcing.Read More
Growing businesses need to establish good relationships with vendors and suppliers. Vendors may often use varying types of invoicing standards or procedures, creating difficulties for the in-house accounts payable department. Such inputs can create problems and lead to erroneous databases that can disrupt the entire workflow and often lead to delayed payments and lost accounts. Read More
The Accounts Payable task is typically a long and tedious process involving extensive hours of redundant efforts to work through piles of paper-based invoices. According to Ardent Partners’ Accounts Payable Metrics that Matter in 2020, the top challenges holding Accounts Payable back are exceptions, lengthy invoice approval times, and too much paper. Read More
Streamlined and automated collection, validation, reporting, and payment results in optimized utility bill processes that can deliver better data quality and more transparency to accounts payable. Improved visibility into utility costs and consumption with automated utility bill processing helps companies evaluate and prioritize cost-saving initiatives. Utility managers in the companies can summarize and pivot utility bill data to identify cost reduction opportunities and make financial decisions. Read More
The corporate environment is getting a lot more competitive in this technological era. Companies are looking to outsource their business processes as a thriving solution to improve their services, lower costs, and stand apart from their peers. One of their most crucial business processes is accounts payable (AP), which includes approving invoices and bills for all payments. AP tasks are huge each day and makes it an arduous task. Read More