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Managing Remote Teams for Logistics Outsourcing

Managing Remote Teams for Logistics Outsourcing

By Business Process Outsourcing, Logistics
With virtual collaboration and remote work becoming the norm rather than the exception, businesses are swiftly turning to high-performance remote teams as a way of boosting efficiency. This, in turn, has created a corresponding need to create smarter ways of managing remote teams for productivity and success.

As a crucial service sector, logistics operations must have the ability to continue uninterrupted despite any disruptions or even unprecedented situations. Apart from the physical journey itself, there is an extensive trail of paperwork that needs to be verified, processed and delivered on time to execute a successful logistics run.

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Transforming Logistics Bill Processing for a National Player

Transforming Logistics Bill Processing for a National Player

By Business Process Outsourcing, Logistics
The goal of the entire logistics process is to ensure that the entrusted goods are delivered to the right place, at the right time.

Logistics operations further necessitate an extensive paper trail that matches goods to the right supplier and address along with the applicable freight charges. This results in piles of paperwork including freight bills, load confirmation statements and bills of lading, all of which need to be processed with the utmost care and accuracy. 

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10 Advantages of Outsourcing Logistics Processing

10 Advantages of Logistics Outsourcing

By Logistics, Business Process Outsourcing

The first step in building successful and dependable logistics operations is to optimize internal management via logistics outsourcing. As companies seek to restore services despite disruptions, the need to build resilient systems is stronger than ever.

The supply of essential goods and services needs to continue uninterrupted, particularly in face of the current crisis. Efficient logistics management means staying on top of your delivery consignments with faster data processing and accurate paperwork. Smart logistics management is further contingent upon smooth backend functioning and the best solution for achieving operational efficiency lies in outsourcing your logistics processing.

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How to Build Supply Chain Resilience

By Business Process Outsourcing, Logistics

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a series of rippling effects, impacting not just the healthcare system but also disrupting the global economy and growth trajectory. One such major disruption can be seen in the disturbance of the supply chains. Therefore, the need of the hour is to build supply chain resilience.

The current situation isn’t just worrying for logistics operators; disruption of supply chains can result in a severe shortage of essential medical supplies and everyday necessities like food and sanitation supplies with disastrous consequences.

Now, more than ever, it is important to build resilient supply chains to ensure that necessities reach wherever required. In fact, almost 94% of companies have suffered supply disruptions due to the COVID-19 crisis. This is a problem that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

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10 Reasons You Should Outsource Your Freight Billing

10 Reasons You Should Outsource Your Freight Billing

By Logistics, Business Process Outsourcing
Transporting goods across the country is a daunting task in itself. Keeping track of the complicated paperwork that must accompany every completed delivery isn’t easy either. From issuing load statements to freight billing and auditing, carrying out effective logistic services needs a lot of back-office support and work. So are you contemplating whether or not to go for logistics outsourcing services?

So, what is the best way to create and manage your logistics paperwork, including processing freight bills and the bill of lading for every completed transaction? Hiring an expensive in-house team to deal with mounting paperwork typically yields inaccuracies and delays. Alternatively, outsourcing these essential, yet repetitive, tasks to a specialized outsourcing team offers the opportunity to build scalable solutions for your freight billing and other essential services.

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Top 7 Inventory Management Tips for Ecommerce Retail Business

By Retail, Business Process Outsourcing, Data Entry Services, Logistics

Ecommerce is one of the largest and most successful online businesses today, turning in massive profits daily. However, the amount of data tracking and management strategy that goes into its daily routine can be a bit overwhelming. The inventory management process is one of the most challenging aspects of running an eCommerce business. This is obviously due to a large number of products and commodities being constantly tracked, an oversight is always a possibility and this is why one must have well-structured inventory management solutions to scale availability of products, scarcity, up-sales and other parameters of the business. Read More

outsourcing logistics

Outsourcing Logistics Helps Improve Visibility of Operations

By Logistics, Data Entry Services, Document Processing, Manufacturing No Comments

One of the greatest challenges in logistics is maintaining good supply chain visibility through the multiple providers and carriers. Outsourcing logistics can help bridge the gap and improve visibility.

According to KPMG’s 2014 Global Manufacturing Outlook Report, it states that 40% of supply chains lack visibility across their operations.

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