ARDEM was approached by a leading Vehicle-to-Government (V2Gov) technological innovator for processing data from vehicular registration forms.
The company creates superlative process management platforms to promote better coordination between state government agencies and businesses across the United States of America.
The client aims to achieve this by building electronic registration systems based on values of greater transparency and ensuring proper compliance.
The client currently provides title and registration processing services across all 50 states and at the national level. When the client contacted us initially, they were looking for a trustworthy and reliable partner to help them make sure they were billing the correct registration fees for their clients in all 50 states. This task was further complicated by the fact each state has different fees and registration requirements.
This was quite a gargantuan task to take on, as processing and verifying vehicular registration data from various state formats while following different state-wise regulations required considerable expertise, an accelerated training regime, and a considerable amount of dexterity.
Not only was our team able to build and execute a successful outsourcing solution for processing registration fees successfully, but our high accuracy rate combined with our quick turnaround times also impressed the client so much so that they decided to outsource another project to ARDEM.
The second outsourcing solution that we created for the client had to do with creating simplified names and field mappings for the different state-wise registration forms. Our team’s task was to create simplified names for each field in the registration forms and map them back correctly to each field in the forms.
Discover how ARDEM was able to build and execute successful solutions on two different fronts for this technology-based vehicular registration platform.
Scoping Out Current Challenges
Project A
The client needed to make sure they were billing the correct registration fees for their clients in all 50 states. Additional challenges were presented by the fact that each state has different fees and registration requirements.
Therefore, the foremost challenge for our team was to create a solution that would process and verify registration billing details while keeping in mind all the variations in registration slip formats, registration fees, and state-wise billing regulations.
Project B
Apart from requiring assistance with verifying billing information, the client also needed help with creating simplified names and field mapping to ensure that names could be linked back to the correct registration form or slip.
The client further needed to ensure that all registration details including names are entered correctly for all clients across every state.
Once again things were complicated by the fact that each state has between 14 to 36 different types of registration forms and our team had to map out each and every last one of them for every state, individually.
For every project, our team assessed the full scope of work alongside the client’s immediate needs and further requirements. This was followed by our production team getting down to work and creating customized solutions for the two different problems.
Formulating a Plan of Action
Project A
• Our team had to map out and create a template for each different registration format for each state individually.
• We had to build a team of qualified analysts who were up-to-date with the different billing regulations and registration requirements that differ from state to state.
• This further required us to create a highly detailed internal training module tailored to our client’s specific requirements.
• As each state has different fees and registration requirements, the client would send us all the registration files they process each day.
• Our team would then have to take each file and input the data fields for each fee charged.
• This, in turn, would allow the client to analyze the data and determine which fees they are charging and determine the correct amount for every transaction.
Project B
• Next, we had come up with a solution to create and normalize simplified names for each state registration form question.
• As each state has multiple form formats, we had to account for every variation.
• We further had to create a unique mapping system to link back each simplified name back to the correct corresponding registration form.
• The client did not have enough internal resources to allocate to these tasks and was looking for a partner who could create a responsive and timely solution for their needs and work as a part of their team to verify and map out registration data at the state and national level, respectively.
Implementing Solutions for Processing Data from Vehicular Registration Forms
While the task presented before our production team was quite daunting; our team of highly specialized data experts and process engineers was more than up to the task.
The ARDEM production team started by first gathering data and putting together a comprehensive picture of the client’s existing processes. We also had to assimilate the details of different state-wise registration forms and the different billing regulations that our team would have to follow while processing data.
Once the entire process had been mapped out, our process engineers further endeavored to create a new and optimized workstream while our training specialists gathered data to create a specialized training regime tailored to our client’s custom requirements.
As highlighted above, the client required our assistance on two fronts, processing billing information and secondly, simplifying data extraction from different data fields across a variety of state registration forms.
Here's How ARDEM Delivered Outsourcing Success for the Client
What We Accomplished for Project A
- We started with the registration billing process first.
- Our development team created individualized processing templates for each state and the processing team used these to provide weekly output files to the client.
- The ARDEM development team also created templates for each state based on the number of fees required for each state.
- We supplied the client with a remote team of well-trained and seasoned analysts.
- Our team continued to build templates for each state and process files that come in daily.
- The high-quality final output is shared with the client as per a predefined frequency.
- The client was impressed with our performance and reached out to us for assistance with the second part of their project.
What We Accomplished for Project B
• A few months into Project A, the client once again reached out to us for assistance with another project,
• The client needed assistance with creating and normalizing simplified names for each state registration form question. Each state has roughly between 14 to 36 registration forms with multiple data fields that had to be mapped out.
• We had to create a new process and an entirely new team with seasoned analysts for this function.
• Our team built a unique mapping system for creating and linking each simplified name back to the correct registration field and form.
• So far, we have mapped out 154 registration forms across 7 states.
• Some state registration forms are more complex than other states.
• As the analysts become more familiar with the process of normalizing data across each state, they have increased the volume completed in a day.
• We have reduced processing time from completing one state in 6 weeks (due to the complexity) to completing one state in 1 week.
Our teams continue to process for the client, accelerating our cycle times to provide faster analytics and greater returns to our client.
Counting the Numbers Behind Our Success Story
If we measure our success in numbers, here are a few statistics to give you an idea of what we have accomplished for our client so far:
- We have processed registration data from over 3800 files for the client.
- Our team has mapped out over 154 registration forms over 7 states.
How the Client Feels About Our Work
The client is extremely happy that the ARDEM team is processing registration data from all applications received for all 50 states.
Our high accuracy rate and quick turnaround time have further helped the client to analyze the data and make corrections across various field offices.
The client is also pleased with the team’s progress and the efficiency in mapping out and completing forms for each state.
Why the Client Chose to Partner with ARDEM
At ARDEM, we believe in building long-term partnerships with our clients for our joint and long-lasting success.
The reason why the client chose ARDEM to be its outsourcing partner for processing data is quite simple; their team was impressed by our vast knowledge and extensive industry experience. They were further encouraged by the fact that we build customized outsourcing solutions based on each client’s specific needs.
Our due diligence in learning the minutest details of their current process and requirements along with our ability to develop a customized solution for them that met their timelines and processing quality, further solidified the partnership.
We were also able to staff the project with a qualified development team, analysts, and processors in a short amount of time. As we started on one process and provided high-quality results while continually improving our performance, the client further felt encouraged to hand over another crucial aspect of their everyday functioning to our well-trained remote teams.
If you would like to learn more about how we can recommend and customize a solution for your company or business, do not hesitate to reach out to our outsourcing experts for a quick 15-minute conversation today!