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Business Process OutsourcingManagement

How to Train Remote Teams

By May 20, 2020March 13th, 2024No Comments
How to Train Remote Teams

Working with remote teams is the new norm rather than the exception and this paradigm shift in the workplace has created a corresponding need for effective collaboration techniques, fully-integrated virtual workspaces and adequate training for remote employees.

Remote employee management requires extensive planning including a system of structured supervision and team meetings that help remote teams stay focused and motivated.

However, before we talk of productivity, we need to talk about effective techniques to train remote employees. Proper training empowers remote employees so that they are fully equipped with the tools and guidelines they need to work from home. The best way to achieve this is to create synchronous programs that ensure training uniformity across the board.

Discover how to train remote teams with our services.

As we delve deep into how to train remote teams effectively, let us define what exactly constitutes a remote team.

A remote team or a distributed team refers to a group of people working from distant or remote locations to achieve a common goal.

There are 3 main barriers to overcome while training and managing remote teams:

  • Time and Place (different time zones and geographical distances)
  • Operational Uniformity (ensuring quality and standard compliance)
  • Skilled Talent (onboarding and training an adept remote workforce)

The key to successfully training remote teams lies in effective team building and advanced preparation. This means creating the course material in advance along with deciding the number of sessions required, the training instructions and test assignments.

This further entails working smart and refining the steps involved in executing tasks and creating a detailed syllabus about the same. This is accomplished with the use of smart tools and scalable technology that allows advanced people management.

Scheduled Sessions

Learn how to train remote teams with scheduled sessions.

The first step in the process of creating an effective system to train remote employees is to establish a set schedule for instructions. The ideal way to go about this is to start with a beginner’s session that gives your remote team an idea of the scope of work along with the standards expected.

A proven way to impart instructions is via the medium of video training and live videos developed from a defined syllabus can help train remote workers more efficiently. Live training sessions or webinars are superior methods of instruction because they allow remote workers to ask questions as they learn how to take on new tasks. You should further encourage your remote employees to clear their doubts at the end of every session.

This not only results in better-informed employees but also builds their faith in the company and its management.

Test Assignments

Explore how to train remote teams with the aid of test assignments.

It is said that experience is the best teacher and we couldn’t agree more. Once the training schedule has been completed, you need to test your remote team’s practical ability to execute tasks accurately.

This means having your remote employees perform test assignments to measure their performance against expected metrics. This is a quality step that determines whether or not your remote team has grasped the concepts and instructions imparted in the training program. High-performing team members can be swiftly assigned tasks while the rest can be trained further to increase their efficiency.

Progress Meetings

Follow your remote employees' progress with periodic reports.

Another way to train your remote teams to stay sharp is through a system of structured supervision. Set up daily check-ins especially during the early weeks to assign tasks and interact with remote team members. This helps build a strong channel of communication between you and your remote team.

These short daily meetings are a great way to further help gather information about the problems faced by your employees and address any gaps in your training program.

Apart from these short meetings, also schedule periodic meetings to set deadlines and expected milestones for certain tasks while establishing a protocol for the submission of progress reports. Video conferencing is an excellent way to stay updated and to engage in face-to-face interaction with remote teams.

Proactive Communication

Proactive communication helps build strong, collborative teams.

When discussing ways to train remote teams, we cannot stress enough the importance of establishing strong communication channels. After all, the way to operational efficiency lies in building a skilled workforce via proper training and guidance.

Managing remote teams efficiently and building high-performance teams need active supervision and proactive communication. This requires measures to promote open and frequent communication between the management and remote employees that promotes a spirit of cooperation and assistance.

Problems can be identified and sorted both earlier and faster when there is open communication between remote employees and management. Proactive communication also bodes well for effective collaboration that stimulates operational excellence.

Use the Right Tools

You need to use the right tools to train remote employees.

Training remote employees to work in an optimum manner requires not just the right training but also the right tools. As stated earlier, video-based training is one of the most effective ways to instruct remote employees.

However, reinforcing the video training with reading material helps your remote employees grasp the instructions better and provides a center point for reference.

Essential Tools for Remote Training:

  • Project management tools like Trello, etc.
  • Secure video conferencing tools like Skype, Zoom, GoToMeeting, etc.
  • Cybersecurity Training Manuals
  • Secure cloud content storage
  • Data synchronization services that enable easy content creation and sharing, i.e., Google Drive

Using the right tools means also using the right software and virtual collaboration platforms that are integrated with full-scale features that enable effective collaboration. Keep reading to find out more!

Train Your Managers

Training your managers is essential for effective virtual collaboration.

It’s a fact that remote managers face problems in managing their teams in comparison to on-site management and supervision. Training remote teams also requires training your managers to supervise their departments more efficiently.

Training your managers entails equipping them with the methods and practices of managing remote employees. They need to be equipped with standardized processes including the breakdown of every process in detail.

Your managers further need to be given explicit instructions on the training processes and how to increase their availability to answer queries and respond to requests. A team is only as strong as its weakest player and providing effective support to your deputies will help you build a strong support system in the long run.

The ARDEM Collaboration Platform

The ARDEM Collaboration Platform allows you to build strong remote teams and deliver collaboartive success.

At ARDEM, we provide organizations with smart tools and scalable solutions that enable them to function optimally and enjoy a higher ROI. One such creative solution is our cloud-based collaboration platform that allows you to stay connected and manage remote teams from anywhere.

The platform further comes with secure folders backed by advanced cloud technology that enables easy data sharing. This means that you can upload training documents with a simple drag and drop. Once the files are uploaded they can be easily shared by your team members. This is also an easy way to upload and share test assignments and worksheets.

Additionally, once your remote team has been trained, you can use our virtual platform to share data with your remote teams for processing and analysis. We further help you recruit and train your remote teams to implement cost-effective solutions that solve your processing backlog.

The ARDEM Advantage:

Enjoy the ARDEM Advantage while working remotely.

We are here to assist you with the onboarding, training and management of remote teams customized to your specific requirements.

ARDEM further manages all training aspects of your remote workforce so you can focus on your core competencies and expanding business operations.

We have considerable experience in building remote teams and equipping them with the training and discipline required for operational efficiency. We first take stock of your processing requirements and then build you a customized team with specialized remote training.

From onboarding qualified team members to ensure that they have the right IT setup, we take care of your remote teams including training them in performing backend tasks accurately and ensuring timely delivery of high-quality output.

Reach Employees Anytime and Anywhere

Our virtual platform allows you to stay connected with your team and receive real-time updates from anywhere. You don’t even have to download a special app. You and your team can easily access your account via your regular browser on any desktop or mobile device. This also makes our digital workspace an effective platform to share training material for learning.

Build and Deliver Quality Courses Quickly

We help you build and publish training courses easily through an advanced course builder and a simple user interface. You simply need to share the details of your workflow, we will break it down, optimize it and train remote teams to implement the proposed solutions effectively.

Organize, Manage and Track Training Easily

Our fully-integrated platform comes with live chat features and communication tools that allow you to personalize training without being burdened with any administrative overhead. In fact, you can leave updates and feedback directly on files and they will be incorporated into your standing work instructions.

Are you looking for a partner to help you build a strong and dependable remote team to design and execute updated processes, then look no further as your perfect partner is right here!

Get in touch with us today to discover smart and cost-effective solutions for remote working.