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Outsourcing, How Does It Work

How to Succeed in Business Process Outsourcing

Succeeding in Business Process Outsourcing

What you need to consider when outsourcing your business process.

What are Your Outsourcing Needs

ARDEM will begin by gaining an initial understanding of your immediate need, the scope of work and any additional requirements. By understanding the details of your current process we can layout the proposed workflow. This is usually done through a video conference or phone call.

Outsourcing Project Plan and Training Your Team

ARDEM will assign a dedicated project manager who has experience in the required scope of work. A process will be mapped and defined by working directly with you to ensure all your needs are addressed. We manage all training aspects of your remote workforce so you can focus on what you do best. Business Process Outsourcing benefits include streamlined operations, cost savings, and access to specialized expertise.

How to Transition to Outsourcing

The transition plan typically consists of a phased ramp up. This reduces your risk and eases the transition when adding ARDEM as a new partner. ARDEM will start with a small percentage of the work before moving to full production. Using your feedback, we adjust to improve efficiency. Typically, 30-90 day period ARDEM employs BPO Automation to streamline processes, ensuring a smooth and efficient transition period.

data entry outsourcing company

Successful Launch of Outsourcing

ARDEM will manage the entire process and collaborate with you to identify additional areas of improvement and apply automation technologies. Additional scalability and flexibility is added to quickly support your business as it grows. Outsourcing helps businesses achieve operational excellence.

Business Process Outsourcing Services

We run your business like it is our own to provide fully outsourced solutions so that you can work smarter. Easily scale your team in as quickly as 14 days.

Improving Performance with Outsourcing

improving cycle times


Digital Transformation with Business Process Outsourcing

Understanding your As-Is Business Process

How do you currently do this work? What are your work procedures? Are there any special skills required to perform this business process? Are there daily, weekly, monthly, or seasonal work volume fluctuations? What are the process cycle time requirements? Which of the current tasks could benefit from business process automation? Selecting the best team, understanding the business process, training the team and defining clear performance metrics lead to success in business process outsourcing.

Business process automation


A Business Process Outsourcing Solution to Deliver Success

Business Process Outsourcing needs to deliver results. It could be cost improvement with business process outsourcing. You could be improving the robustness of your process with outsourcing. It could be adoption of innovative and current business process automation technologies which is driving your business process outsourcing initiative. We create a business process solution that meets your requirements. With outsourcing you leverage our access to qualified talent. You benefit from process automation technologies that we use in our outsourcing solutions. In our business process outsourcing we also offer our clients ARDEM Cloud Platforms for collaboration and to deliver outsourcing services via ARDEM Cloud Services to them.


Achieving Success with Business Process Outsourcing

Hiring costs are eliminated with outsourcing of your business process. Training costs go away. Day-to-day people management costs are gone with business process outsourcing. Process integrity increases with process outsourcing. The management of “how the work is done” is left to the expert knowledge of the outsourcing service provider leaving you time to manage the results. Both business process efficiency and business process accuracy increase with the use of business process automation services and, business process outsourcing services.

FAQ why should I outsource

Outsourcing Process Workflow

Increasing Efficiency with Outsourcing

With our robust process infrastructure to set up, process, and manage a variety of different tasks while keeping you up-to-date with a project’s ongoing status regularly.

With a three-shift schedule, we work around the clock to help manage and support your business when you need it most.

Using our 15+ years of experience and deep industry knowledge, your operational processes are streamlined for efficiency to provide faster cycle times at the most cost-effective price.

Why Customers Select ARDEM for Business Process Outsourcing

Our Values

As a family-owned business, we understand the importance of trust, hard work, and communication which is why we run your business like it is our own.

Long-Term Partnerships

Benefit from over two decades of successful business process outsourcing experience. We have delivered business process outsourcing services to our customers in Retail, Insurance, Accounting, Transportation, Health, Utility, Energy, Manufacturing, Legal, and almost every industry.

Quality of Service

ARDEM is committed to providing absolutely nothing less than 100% satisfaction to both its employees and clients and focuses to ensure quality service.

The ARDEM Advantage

ARDEM believes that People, Process and Technology are the three main facets required to build smart and successful business solutions.

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Back Office Support Services for Logistics and Supply Chain

How Data Entry Automation is used in Processing of Freight Bills of Lading

Bill of Lading

Expedite Bill of Lading (BoL) entry and processing to improve efficiency.

Freight Bill

Accurate freight bill entry and processing to ensure accurate billing for each shipment.

Order Fulfillment

Eliminate manual processing to accurately create shipping labels, enter orders, and process invoices.


Increase visibility of FTL and LTL and reduce operational costs for streamlined processing.

Back-Offices Support Services for Utilities and Energy

Data Entry and Data Capture for Energy Consumption and Payment Data from Utility Bills

Utility Bill Data Management

Back-office teams manage utility documents, including paper bills, images, and downloads from utility websites, handling data entry and capture, while ensuring organized and accessible data management for further processing.

Expense Tracking

Utility bill data management services enable businesses to effectively monitor their expenses, allowing for budget control and preventing unexpected overages by tracking utility costs.

Utility Bill Payment

Back-office teams collect payment data from utility bills, create payment files, and execute Accounts Payables transactions to ensure timely payments and prevent service disruptions. 

Sustainability Reporting

Back-office support includes sustainability reporting and energy data analysis, with utility consumption data collected and analyzed to optimize energy consumption and support sustainability reporting.

Why Back-Office Support Services Are Needed in Accounting

Back-office services ensure smooth financial operations in Accounting

Accounts Payable Services

Back-office services, including data entry, have a critical role in ensuring that financial records are spot on to preventing errors and mix-ups that could send the company’s finances into a tailspin.

Accounts Receivable Services

Back-office services make sure the checks received are swiftly deposited and that bank reconciliations happen on time.


Back-Office Support Services for entering accounting transactions for Bookkeeping.

Invoice Processing Services

Businesses handling a pile of invoices every month employ Data entry, Data capture, and Automation to make sure that invoice data is collected and processed quickly and accurately.

How Back-office Support Services are Used in Healthcare and Life Sciences

Back-office support services ensure the highest data quality that helps in enhancing patient satisfaction, improving care delivery, and boosting patient outcomes.

Enhanced Data Accuracy

Back-office support, including data entry, ensures data accuracy in medical records, improving patient care and overall outcomes.

Streamlined Medical Claims

Back-office teams shorten payment cycles by swiftly entering and capturing data from medical claims and help healthcare providers deliver quality care to patients.

Rapid Test Requisition Processing

Back-office support enables rapid Test Requisition Form Data Entry, ensuring accurate and timely delivery of data to our clients for swift decision-making.

Efficient Insurance Application Processing

Data conversion from one format to the required insurance form format is made easy with back-office support.

Seamless Medical Data Entry

Outsourcing Medical data entry, with the support of efficient back-office services, helps in maintaining comprehensive and accurate records.

How Back-office Support Services Benefit Retail

Back-office support improves Order to Payment Cycle in the Processing of new Customer Orders

Sales Order Processing

Efficient back-office support services streamline the sales order processing, ensuring accurate data entry of new customer orders, thereby improving the order-to-revenue cycle for retailers.

Data Mining

Utilizing Data mining, Research, and predictive AI, back-office support services empower retailers with valuable business intelligence, helping them make informed decisions and stay ahead in the market.

Rebate Data Entry

Back-office support services play a pivotal role in rebate Data entry, processing and verifying rebate claims using double-key data entry and automation technologies to ensure accuracy.

Order Fulfillment

Back-office services assist retailers in processing customer orders with speed and precision, leading to faster order fulfillment and improved customer satisfaction.

How Back-office Support is Changing Manufacturing

Back-Office Support Services for Manufacturing Data Entry, Data Collection, and Data Analysis

Bill of Materials Data Processing

Back-office support services excel at efficiently processing and capturing data from Bills of Materials and Material Specification Sheets, providing a significant boost to Manufacturing Record Management.

Material Safety Data Sheets

Back-office teams adeptly handle the data entry and data capture tasks associated with Material Safety Data Sheets, ensuring that crucial safety information is managed effectively.

Order Management

Data entry and data processing for streamlined and rapid order fulfillment are made more efficient with the support of back-office teams.

Large Format Engineering & Architectural Drawing Conversion

Back-office support services play a pivotal role in the digital scan conversion, indexing, and data capture from Engineering and Architectural Drawings and help in enhancing Manufacturing Document Management and accessibility.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

How Does ARDEM Create Long-Term Partnerships?

What Are the Benefits of Business Process Outsourcing?

Traditionally, the main and most obvious benefit of business process outsourcing is the reduced operating cost. Instead of hiring expensive resources, you simply outsource your business process to a third-party agency with a different compensation structure and smart resources. 

What Services Can I Outsource for My Business?

Outsourcing has grown from just data entry services to cover a wide spectrum of solutions including accounts payable processing, utility bill management, survey reporting, and back-office solutions. At ARDEM, we also offer a variety of automation services including business process automation and robotic process automation.

How Will You Manage My Project?

Our team will get in touch with you directly to gain an initial understanding of your business needs, the full scope of work and any other additional requirements. We will then proceed to discover the details of your current processes to analyze the current workflow. Following this, our team proposes a solution that aims to optimize your workstream for maximum performance.

How Does ARDEM Build My Team?

At ARDEM, we sincerely believe that successful solutions start with a successful team. We curate the most qualified team members with deep industry knowledge and extensive work experience to provide the highest accuracy and quality of work based on your industry. All team members are college-educated.

How Does Business Process Automation Help My Business?

Business process automation (BPA) refers to the process by which complex business processes are optimized and automated to provide successful business growth solutions. At ARDEM, we offer our clients advanced business process automation with our proprietary ARDEM bots that are configured to your exact process requirements. 

Back-Office Support Services

Back Office Support Services to Help our Clients Reduce Costs. Using Business Process Automation and Qualified Back-Office Support Analysts ARDEM Improves Back-Office Processing for our clients.

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